Next-gen Sequencing Analysis: Creating a "Tag Directory"
with makeTagDirectory
To facilitate the analysis of ChIP-Seq (or any other type of
short read re-sequencing data), it is useful to first
transform the sequence alignment into platform independent
data structure representing the experiment, analogous to
loading the data into a database. HOMER does this by
placing all relevant information about the experiment into a
"Tag Directory", which is essentially a directory on your
computer that contains several files describing your
experiment. In many ways tag directories are
like sorted bam files, and some day soon Chuck promises
HOMER will work directly with sorted bam files too...
(Unfortunately, at present bam files must be converted into
tag directories).
During the creation of tag directories, several quality
control routines are run to help provide information and
feedback about the quality of the experiment. During
this phase several important parameters are estimated that
are later used for downstream analysis, such as the
estimated length of ChIP-Seq fragments.
Input Alignment Files
During this part of the
analysis, any type of sequencing data can be use
(ChIP-Seq/RNA-Seq/DNase-Seq, etc.). If these files are
zipped (*.gz, *.zip, *.bz2), HOMER will automatically
unzip, process, and re-zip them (if applicable) so you
don't have to worry about this step.
To create a "Tag Directory", you must have alignment files
in one of the following formats:
- BED format
- SAM format
- BAM format (HOMER will use "samtools view file.BAM
> file.SAM" to covert to a SAM file, so "samtools"
must be available)
- default bowtie output format
- *.eland_result.txt or *_export.txt format from the
Illumina pipeline
If your alignment is in a
different format, it is recommended that you convert it
into a BED file format since this is a fairly standard
format with minimal chance of misinterpretation:
Column1: chromosome
Column2: start position
Column3: end position
Column4: Name (or strand +/-)
Column5: Ignored**
Column6: Strand +/-
**Unfortunately, BED
files are used in different ways by different
groups. By default, HOMER ignores the 5th column
of BED files. In some cases the 5th column is used
to encode the number of reads at that position. If
this is the case, use the "-force5th".
Alternatively (or in combination), you can make tag
directories from existing tag directories or from tag
files (explained below).
If your input files are named "s_1_sequence.txt", or have
a suffix such as *.fq or *.fastq, then you probably have
raw sequence files without sequence alignment
information. You need to align these sequences to
the genome first. Learn about
aligning data to the genome here.
Specialized Input Files
As HOMER's capabilities expand, more and more
file formats are being added. Below is the current
- DNA methylation data: Files for mCpG data (coming
- Hi-C summary format: Find out more about this in the
Paired-End Reads
HOMER can use paired-end
reads. If you use paired-end reads for ChIP-Seq or
RNA-Seq, HOMER will treat each half of the read separately
(and count each as 0.5 reads), which works well
for a number of applications. If you are using
stranded paired-end reads, make sure to specify " -sspe"
so that HOMER will correctly interpret the intended strand
for the 2nd read in the mate-pair. HOMER does fully
support paired-end reads for methods such as Hi-C, but
those reads are treated differently (covered here).
Creating Tag Directories
To make a tag directory, run
the following command:
makeTagDirectory <Output Directory Name>
[options] <alignment file1> [alignment file 2] ...
Where the first argument must be the output
directory (required). If it does not exist,
it will be created. If it does exist, it will be
An example:
makeTagDirectory Macrophage-PU.1-ChIP-Seq/
pu1.lane1.bed pu1.lane2.bed pu1.lane3.bed
Several additional options exist for makeTagDirectory. The
program attempts to guess the format of your alignment
files, but if it is unsuccessful, you can force the format
with " -format <X>".
makeTagDirectory Macrophage-PU.1-ChIP-Seq/
pu1.lane1.bed pu1.lane2.bed pu1.lane3.bed -format bed
s_1_sequence.align.sam -format sam
Sometimes BED file alignments contain stupid values in the
5th column, such as quality information etc. HOMER
will treat this value as the number of reads aligning to
the same location. If this is not how the value is
used, add "-forceBED" to ignore the value found int the
5th column of a BED file.
makeTagDirectory Macrophage-PU.1-ChIP-Seq/
pu1.lane1.bed pu1.lane2.bed pu1.lane3.bed -format bed
To combine tag directories, for example when combining two
separate experiments into one, do the following:
makeTagDirectory Combined-PU.1-ChIP-Seq/ -d
Exp1-ChIP-Seq/ Exp2-ChIP-Seq/ Exp3-ChIP-Seq/
Filtering Reads/Selecting Uniquely Alignable Reads from
SAM/BAM files
The makeTagDirectory program has several specialized
options for processing SAM/BAM formatted files. A
quick introduction to SAM/BAM files can be found here.
Because of the various ways aligner create SAM/BAM
files, it is often easiest to have HOMER filter the
reads that are not uniquely alignable, etc. Below
is a list of the various options that are available to
process SAM/BAM files:
-unique : selecting this option will
cause HOMER to only keep uniquely alignable reads (this
is also the default). For HOMER to
consider a read unique, it must NOT have the "secondary
alignment" flag set, and it's MAPQ score must be greater
than 10. To change the MAPQ cutoff, use the "-mapq
<#>" option. If you set the option to
"-mapq -1", HOMER will try to read AS:i:# and XS:i:#
flags (if set) to figure out if the secondary alignment
score is the same or less than the alignment.
-keepOne : selecting this will cause HOMER to
keep all primary alignments, regardless of MAPQ
score. Alignments with the "secondary alignment"
flag set will be discarded.
-keepAll : this will cause HOMER to keep all
alignment in the SAM/BAM file.
-mis <#> : Maximum allowable mismatches
allowed in the read. Only works if the MD:Z: flag
is set.
There are also ways to filter/select reads with specific
-tbp <#> : only count one read
per position per length of the read (i.e. if one read is
100 bp long, an another 75 bp long, but start at the
same position, both with be kept).
-minlen <#> : minimum length of the read to
keep (useful for small RNA processing, i.e. keeping
22-23 bp sequeces for miRNAs, 26-32 bp for piRNA, etc.)
-maxlen <#> : maximum length of read to
keep (use in conjunction with -minlen <#>)
-filterReads <seq> <offset>
<keep | remove> : Advanced read filtering
based on the presence of a specific oligo sequence in
the genome (REQUIRES "-genome <genome>").
For example:
For example: -filterReads GATC -4 keep
This will only keep reads that contain a GATC sequence
4 bp upstream from the start of the read.
Interpreting the correct strand
By default, HOMER will interpret each read as it is
presented in the alignment file. This can differ
from the expected results if you have paired-end
sequencing from a strand-specific RNA-Seq
experiment. It can also result in reads aligning
to the opposite strand if a 'first-strand' library
synthesis protocol is used, such as methods that use the
deoxy-UTP incorporation. To control how HOMER
interprets the strands you have two choices: Either use
"-strand -" when running programs like annotatePeaks.pl
when you would normally use "-strand +", or you
can flip the strand during the makeTagDirectory step:
-flip : (will flip the strands of each
read in the alignment file)
-sspe : (for Strand Specific Paired
End sequencing - this will flip the 2nd read of
the mate-pair to match the first read).
For example, if you're analyzing data from Illumina's
newer strand specific RNA-Seq kits, you'll probably want
to use "-flip" and also "-sspe" if you have
a paired-end experiment.
What does makeTagDirectory do?
makeTagDirectory basically parses through
the alignment file and splits the tags into separate files
based on their chromosome. As a result, several
*.tags.tsv files are created in the output
directory. These are made to very efficiently return
to the data during downstream analysis. This also
helps speed up the analysis of very large data sets
without running out of memory.
In the end, your output directory will contain several
*.tags.tsv files, as well as a file named " tagInfo.txt".
This file contains information about your sequencing run,
including the total number of tags considered. This
file is used by later programs to quickly reference
information about the experiment, and can be manually
modified to set certain parameters for analysis.
Additional options to control the behavior of
-tbp <#> : Limit the number of
tags per base pair to this number (default: no
limit). For example, if you want to remove all
duplicate reads that start at the same positions,
specify "-tbp 1".
-precision <1|2|3> : Set the number of
decimal places used to store read information. The
default is 1, which keeps the file size down. If storing
methyl-cytosine information, it's better to increase the
precision (this is automated when possible)
-single : Setting this option will place all
reads into a single tag file instead of separate tag
files for each chromosome. This is necessary for
genome assemblies composed of thousands of
scaffolds. HOMER will usually inform you if it
wants you to use this option.
-totalReads <# | all | default> : The total
reads in the tag directory is important for downstream
normalization. This option allows you to modify
this value for specific needs. Normally, only the
reads that uniquely align to the genome are counted
toward the total reads. However, you may want to
include the total reads (unique+multimappers) without
having the multimappers in the tag directory. You
can do this by specifying "-totalReads all".
You can also specify the total directly by providing a
also performs several quality control steps shown below.
Basic Quality Control Analysis:
The following 4 basic
quality control results are produced by default and are
relatively inexpensive in terms of processing power to
create while paring alignment files into Tag Directories,
and do not require any extra information to produce.
These files are meant to be opened with a text editor or
graphed using EXCEL or similar program. More
detailed descriptions of these files and how to interpret
them are found in the sequencing technique-specific
tutorials. Also, if you want to rerun QC analysis on
an existing Tag Directory, run the command using the
"-update" option:
makeTagDirectory ExistingTagDirectory/ -update
[additional options...]
Basic Tag information
tagInfo.txt - Contains basic
configuration information, such as the total number of
reads, the total number of unique positions with aligned
reads (by genome and chromosome), and various other
statistics. One of the more important parameters
is "fragmentLengthEstimate=##", which provides an
estimate of the length of fragments used for sequencing.
Read Length Distribution
tagLengthDistribution.txt - File
contains a histogram of read lengths used for alignment.
Clonal Tag Distribution
tagCountDistribution.txt - File contains
a histogram of clonal read depth, showing the number of
reads per unique position. If an experiment is
"over-sequenced", you start seeing the same reads over
and over instead of unique reads. Sometimes this
is a sign there was not enough starting material for
sequencing library preparation. Below are examples
of ideal and non-ideal results - in the case of the
non-ideal experiment, you probably don't want to
sequence that library anymore.
If the experiment is highly clonal and not expected to be,
it might help to clean up the downstream analysis by
forcing tag counts at each position to be no greater than
x, where x is usually 1.
To do this rerun the makeTagDirectory command and add
"-tbp <#>" where # is the maxium tags per bp.
Autocorrelation Analysis
tagAutocorrelation.txt - The
autocorrelation routine creates a distribution of
distances between adjacent reads in the genome. If
reads are mapped to the same strand, they are added to
the first column. If adjacent reads map to
different strands, they are added to the 2nd
column. The results from autocorrelation analysis
are very useful for troubleshooting problems with the
experiment, and are used to estimate the fragment length
for ChIP-Seq and MNase-Seq. The fragment length is
estimated by finding the position were the "opposite
strand" distribution is maximum. HOMER will use
this value as the fragment length unless overridden with
the option " -fragLength
Different types of experiments (i.e. ChIP-Seq vs.
DNase-Seq) produce different looking autocorrelation
plots, and more detailed discussion of these differences
can be found in the individual tutorials. Below is
an example from a successful ChIP-Seq experiment:
HOMER also uses the autocorrelation results to guess
what type of experiment you conducted. It computes
3 statistics:
- Same strand fold enrichment: Enrichment of reads
on the same strand within 3x the estimated fragment
- Diff strand fold enrichment: Enrichment of reads
on different strands within 3x the estimated
fragment length
- Same / Diff fold enrichment: Difference between
enrichment of reads on the same strand or different
Below is a schematic to visualize how these are
calculated (keep in mind that the background is
calculated out to +/- 2kb):
Depending on the value of the autocorrelation quality
statistics, HOMER will guess what your experiment is:
- If the Same/Diff Fold Enrichment is > 8 fold,
it's a great chance the sample is strand-specific
RNA. If HOMER decides the sample is probably
RNA due to the difference between same strand and
different strand numbers, it will automatically set
the estimated fragment length to 75 bp. This
is because it is difficult to estimate the fragment
length for RNA/GRO-seq. To manually set the
fragment length, use "-fragLength <#>"
- If both the "Same Strand Fold Enrichment" and
"Diff Strand Fold Enrichment" are both greater than
1.5 fold, there is good chance you're looking at a
working ChIP-Seq experiment.
This is meant as immediate feedback, and not a
definitive declaration of the quality or type of your
data. We've found it useful to help identify wrong
annotations in sample IDs, for example, and helped give
us an idea about how well an experiment worked. Good
ChIP-Seq antibodies give "Same Strand Fold Enrichment"
values well above 5.0 for transcription factors.
However, in may cases good results can be extracted out
of experiments with lower enrichments, even those that
yield a "Guessing sample is ChIP-Seq - may have low
enrichment with lots of background" message.
Sequence Bias Analysis:
Invaluable information about
a sequencing experiment can be found by examining the
relationship between sequencing reads and the genomic
sequence the came from. Sequence bias analysis is
not performed by default. To perform this analysis,
you must provide the genome
and the "-checkGC" option.
makeTagDirectory <Output Directory Name>
[options] -genome
<genome> -checkGC <alignment
file1> ...
i.e. makeTagDirectory
Macrophage-PU.1-ChIP-Seq -genome mm9
-checkGC pu1.alignment.bed
This analysis will produce several output files in
addition to the basic quality control analysis described
An important prerequisite for analyzing sequence bias is
that the appropriate
genome must by configured
for use with HOMER. In version v3.1, HOMER now
handles custom/arbitrary genomes. Instead of
intalling/configuring a genome, you can specify the path
to a file or directory containing the genomic sequence in
FASTA format. The genome can be in a single FASTA
file, or you specify a directory where where each
chromosome is in a separate file (named chr XXX.fa or chr XXX.fa.masked).
In either case, the FASTA headers must contain the
chromosome names followed by white space, i.e. ">chr
blahblahblah", not ">chr1-blahblahblah", or prefereably
only ">chr1".
NOTE: If using a sequencing type
other than ChIP-Seq or MNase-Seq, you may want to add
"-fragLength <#>" since it may be difficult for
HOMER to automatically determine the size of fragments
used for sequencing.
Genomic Nucleotide Frequency relative to read
tagFreq.txt - Calculates the nucleotide
and dinucleotide frequencies as a function of distance
from the 5' end of all reads.
- Same as tagFreq.txt, however individual genomic
positions are only counted once. If 10 reads
mapped to the same position, those nucleotide counts
would be added 10 times for "tagFreq.txt", but only once
for "tagFreqUniq.txt".
By default, HOMER calculates this frequency from -50 bp
to +50 bp relative to the end of the estimated fragment
(e.g. not +50bp relative to the 36 bp read, but +50 bp
relative to the 200 bp ChIP-fragment). This can be
changed using the options " -freqStart <#>" and " -freqEnd <#>"
Below are some examples of this file graphed with
EXCEL. One is a pretty typical ChIP-Seq file, the
other Chuck wouldn't say where it came from, but he's
pretty sure there might be a problem with how they
performed their experiment... Quite a bit can be
learned from looking at these types of plots (see
individual tutorials of additional details)
Fragment GC% Distribution
tagGCcontent.txt - Distribution of
fragment GC%-content. GC% is calculated from the
5' end position of the read to end of the "fragment",
not the end of the read. For ChIP-Seq and
MNase-Seq, the fragment length is automatically
estimated with pretty high confidence. If you are
using another type of sequencing or want to set this
manually, be sure to specify the desired fragment length
manually (" -fragLength
- Distribution of fragment GC%-content at each location
in the genome (i.e. expected distribution)
These are very important files to check for any
sequencing experiment. Due to the numerous steps
of library preparation involving amplification, size
selection and gel extraction, it is very easy for the
average GC%-content of the sequencing library to
"shift". This can be a disastrous problem.
Consider the following:
The problem with a GC% shifted sample is that even if
the sample is random sequence, you will start to show
"enrichment" at places with high GC-content in the
genome, such as at CpG Islands. This is
unfortunate because most GC-rich areas are at
transcription start sites, which might make you think
the experiment worked, when in reality the sample was
boiled instead of placed in the freezer. See below
to learn about GC-normalization.
Sequence Bias GC normalization:
HOMER has built in routines
for normalizing GC-bias in a sequencing experiment.
In general, normalizing for GC-content is tricky.
First, you need to decide if it is worth normalizing at
When should I normalize
for GC-content in my sequencing experiment?
First you must be able to
identify that there is a GC-bias problem. If the
average GC% is within 5% of the expected genomic
average, you're probably ok. If you are comparing
several experiments of similar type, and they all have
the same approximate GC-bias, you're also probably
better off just comparing the experiments as they
are. However, if one of your replicates is much
more GC-rich than another, similar sample, you may want
to consider normalizing it.
For some experiments, it tough to know what the expected
GC-content should be. For example, if sequencing
H3K4me3 ChIP-Seq data, which is typically found near CpG
Islands, you may expect the GC% to be higher.
However, even with H3K4me3 ChIP-Seq, most ChIP
experiments are not very efficient, and most of the DNA
being sequenced is background. As a result, the
average GC content should not be too far off the
expected genomic average. You can always "try"
If the GC-bias is severe, you might be better off
repeating the experiment. Normalization
essentially destroys information, so repeating the
experiment (or at least the sequencing library
preparation) may be a good move. When re-preping
the sample, try amplifying less and when extracting DNA
from gels, dissolve the gels at room temperature.
Normalizing tags for GC-bias
To normalize for GC-bias,
run the same makeTagDirectory
command, but you must specify the genome (i.e. " -genome hg18") and a
target normalization file (" -normGC <filename>"). To
normalize to the expected genomic average, use " -normGC default".
makeTagDirectory <Tag
Directory> -genome <genome> -normGC <GC
profile file profile> -iterNorm 0.01
<alignment file 1> [alignment file 2] ...
i.e. makeTagDirectory Macrophage-PU.1-GC -genome mm9
-normGC default -iterNorm 0.01
The new GC normalization procedure attempts to be
conservative by only normalizing by 'removing' reads
from the experiment by down weighting the read counts
associated with each position. It is dangerous to
mathematically "add reads" to the experiment - this is
sort of like creating information which we don't really
have, particularly for later if you are doing
count-based differential expression. HOMER will
remove iteratively remove reads from GC ranges that are
overrepresented until the overall distribution of GC is
with the indicated percentage of the " -iterNorm
<#>" parameter. Of course, it doesn't
actually remove the reads, just reduces them to
fractional values.
The alternative/original GC normalization procedure is
actually very simple. HOMER calculates the
distribution of fragment GC%-contents, then for each
range of GC%, normalizes the tag counts to the expected
distribution. If your sample is more GC-rich that
expected, reads in GC-rich regions will be reduced to a
fractional value (limited by " -minNormRatio <#>").
Likewise, if reads are in AT-rich regions, their values
will be increased (limited by " -maxNormRatio <#>"). HOMER
is happy to deal with fractional tag values - there is
no reason why a sequencing read can't be counted as a
"half-a-read", for example. The biggest problem
problem with increasing
the value of a read is that it is akin to creating
information that doesn't exist, so HOMER puts a tight
cap on that adjustment to only 2-fold (change with " -maxNormRatio <#>").
The resulting normalization information is recorded in
the tagGCnormalization.txt
file. To enact this form of GC normalization, omit
the " -iterNorm <#>" parameter.
Often, the expected genome GC-content is not
appropriate. To normalize to a custom GC-profile,
provide a file after -normGC
option (" -normGC
<filename>"). This file should be
formatted just like the tagGCcontent.txt files found in the
directories. In fact, the idea is that you can
normalize one experiment to another by providing the
experiments tagGCcontent.txt
file as the argument for -normGC. One potential strategy is
to combine several experimental files across different
experiments into a single tag directory, and then use
the tagGCcontent.txt file from this directory to
normalize each of the other experiment, normalizing each
experiment to the average from all of the experiments.
The difference between the two normalization strategies
can be seen in the resulting read counts of the
experiment (the -iterNorm <#> method essentially
removes reads until it can match the distribution):

Command line options of makeTagDirectory command:
To perform QC/manipulations on an
existing tag directory, add "-update"
-fragLength <#
| given> (Set estimated fragment length - given: use read
By default treats the sample as a single read ChIP-Seq
-format <X>
where X can be: (with column specifications underneath)
bed - BED format files:
(1:chr,2:start,3:end,4:+/- or read name,5:# tags,6:+/-)
-force5th (5th column of BED file contains # of reads
mapping to position)
sam - SAM formatted files (use samTools to covert BAMs into
SAM if you have BAM)
-unique (keep if there is a single best alignment based on
-mapq <#> (Minimum mapq for -unique, default: 10, set
negative to use AS:i:/XS:i:)
-keepOne (keep one of the best alignments even if others
-keepAll (include all alignments in SAM file)
-mis (Maximum allowed mismatches, default: no limit, uses
MD:Z: tag)
-sspe (strand specific, paired-end reads[flips strand of 2nd
read to match])
bowtie - output from bowtie (run with --best -k 2 options)
eland_result - output from basic eland
(1:read name,2:seq,3:code,4:#zeroMM,5:#oneMM,6:#twoMM,7:chr,
eland_export - output from illumina pipeline (22 columns
(1-5:read name
eland_extended - output from illumina pipeline (4 columns
(1:read name,2:sequence,3:match stats,4:positions[,])
mCpGbed - encode style mCpG reporting in extended BED
format, no auto-detect
allC - Lister style output files detailing the read
information about all cytosines
bismark - Bismark style output files detailing the read
information about all cytosines
-minCounts <#> (minimum number of reads to report mC/C
ratios, default: 10)
-mCcontext <CG|CHG|CHH|all> (only use C's in this
context, default: CG)
HiCsummary - minimal paired-end read mapping information
-flip (flip
strand of each read, i.e. might want to use with some
<#|all|default> (set the effective total number of
reads - all includes multimappers)
-force5th (5th
column of BED file contains # of reads mapping to position)
-d <tag
directory> [tag directory 2] ... (add Tag directory to
new tag directory)
-t <tag
file> [tag file 2] ... (add tag file i.e. *.tags.tsv to
new tag directory)
-single (Create a
single tags.tsv file for all "chromosomes" - i.e. if >100
-update (Use
current tag directory for QC/processing, do not parse new
alignment files)
-tbp <#>
(Maximum tags per bp, default: no maximum)
<1|2|3> (number of decimal places to use for tag
totals, default: 1)
-minlen <#>
and -maxlen <#> (Filter reads with lengths outside
this range)
GC-bias options:
<genome version> (To see available genomes, use
"-genome list")
-or- (for custom genomes):
<path-to-FASTA file or directory of FASTA files>
-checkGC (check
Sequence bias, requires "-genome")
-freqStart <#> (offset to start calculating frequency,
default: -50)
-freqEnd <#> (distance past fragment length to
calculate frequency, default: +50)
-oligoStart <#> (oligo bias start)
-oligoEnd <#> (oligo bias end)
<target GC profile file> (i.e. tagGCcontent.txt file
from control experiment)
Use "-normGC default" to match the genomic GC distribution
<oligoFreqFile> (normalize 5' end bias,
"-normFixedOligo default" ok)
<#> (Minimum deflation ratio of tag counts, default:
<#> (Maximum inflation ratio of tag counts, default:
<#> (Sets -max/minNormRatio to 1 and 0, iteratively
normalizes such that the
resulting distrubtion is no more than #% different than
target, i.e. 0.1,default: off)
<seq> <offset> <keep|remove> (filter reads
based on oligo sequence in the genome)
HiC options:
-bowtiePE (when
matching PE reads in bowtie alignment format, assumes last
character of read name is 0 or 1)
(remove paired end tags within 1.5x fragment length on same
-PEbgLength <#> (remove PE reads facing on
another within this distance, default: 1.5x fragLen)
<seq> (i.e. AAGCTT for HindIII, assign data < 1.5x
fragment length to sites)
Must specify genome sequence directory too. (-rsmis
<#> to specify mismatches, def: 0)
-both, -one, -onlyOne, -none (Keeps reads near restriction
sites, default: keep all)
-removeSelfLigation (removes reads linking same restriction
-removeRestrictionEnds (removes reads starting on a
restriction fragment)
-assignMidPoint (will place reads in the middle of HindIII
-restrictionSiteLength <#> (maximum distance from
restriction site, default: 1.5x fragLen)
<size bp> <#> (remove tags from regions with
> than # times
the average tags per size bp, suggest "-removeSpikes 10000