Visualizing Hi-C Interactions with HOMER and Circos
Circos is a great program
for visualizing interactions and integrating other data
sources. To streamline the process of creating circos
diagrams from Hi-C data and combining it with other types of
sequencing, HOMER integrates several routines for preparing
Circos input files. These configuration/data files are
part of the output, allowing the user to modify/tweak them
to produce the perfect image in Circos. To get perfect
looking pictures, you have to learn a thing or two about
Circos, but HOMER will do it's best to give you a quality
image without needing to become an expert with Circos.
Required if not done already: Install
Finding Significant Hi-C Interactions with HOMER
Circos is simply a visualization tool (It does
not analyze your data). To use it with
HOMER, you must first understand how HOMER defines
significant interactions, and should have a general idea
how the analyzeHiC program works (see here and here), otherwise some of
what follows may not make much sense. You can also
feed HOMER interactions to visualize that may have nothing
to do with Hi-C (use the "-i <interactionFile>"
option with a HOMER interaction
formatted file).
Generating Circos Diagrams with HOMER
To generate a Circos diagram, add "-circos <prefix>"
to you analyzeHiC
command. For example:
<HiC Tag Directory> -res <#> -pos chrN:X-Y
-circos <prefix> -nomatrix
i.e. analyzeHiC ES-HiC
-res 50000 -pos chr1:20,000,000-50,000,000 -circos
chr1Interactions -nomatrix
The " -nomatrix" option is optional, but normally
you don't care about the normal matrix produced by analyzeHiC.
This command will produce several files. In this
case, the < prefix> was "chr1Interactions", so
all files will start with that:
(more files may be present with additional options...)
The final two of which are the actual output images.
The PNG is nice for normal viewing, the SVG is better for
importing into graphics applications like Illustrator.
Often, the circos diagram is not perfect - you may want to
change the font, or the color. To do this, edit the
" prefix.circos.conf" file with the
appropriate settings, and then rerun the circos image
generation using:
circos -conf prefix.circos.conf
i.e. circos -conf chr1Interactions.circos.conf
This will produce new PNG and SVG files. Circos is
all about creating your *.circos.conf file - the
program has very few command line options that are
regularly used. Circos is also a very feature rich
program that could take you years to fully explore.
To learn more about how to edit circos.conf files, check
out the Circos
Important Interaction Parameters
Often your interactions may not look that
great. Could be you need to adjust these
parameters to clean up the image:
-pvalue <#> : Will filter out
interactions with a pvalue greater thatn # (default,
0.001). You may need to try different values to
clean up the image
-res <#> / -superRes <#> :
controls the resolution of the analysis
-minDist <#> : Useful to set this to
exclude trivial interaction between adjacent regions,
Adding Sequencing Data to Circos Output
analyzeHiC has three general options for
automating the visualization different types of data:
-d <tag directory1> [tag directory2]
Add ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq, or really any data
from a HOMER tag directory. makeUCSCfile will be
called to generate a bedGraph
-b <peak/BED file1> [peak/BED file2] ...
Add peak/BED files to identify were certain
features are located
-g <named peak/BED file>
Similar to the "-b" option, but in this case
the regions will be named. This is most useful
for annotating gene positions in the file. Gene
files you may want to use (you can also easily make
your own) [duplicates removed, longest versions of
genes kept]:
RefSeq genes for mm9: mm9.genes.txt
RefSeq genes for hg18: hg18.genes.txt
RefSeq genes for hg19: hg19.genes.txt
Circos is a very powerful program, and there are lots of
other types of things you can do with your data as
well. These are only the ones covered by HOMER, but
don't let that limit you if you want to use other types of
Below is a demonstration of how you can add additional
data to your circos output. First, we will visualize
the B cell interactions formed in along a region of chr11:
analyzeHiC proB-HiC -pos
chr11:44,000,000-46,000,000 -res 2500 -superRes 10000
-circos cirOutput -nomatrix -minDist 20000

Next, lets add some ChIP-Seq data for CTCF
(inslutor/boundary transcription factor) and H3K4me2
(epigenetic histone modification found at promoters and
analyzeHiC proB-HiC -pos
chr11:44,000,000-46,000,000 -res 2500 -superRes 10000
-circos cirOutput -nomatrix -minDist 20000 -d
CTCF-chipseq/ H3K4me2-chipseq/
In this case the interactions didn't change,
but the layout was adjusted to make room for ChIP-Seq
Now lets show where the genes are - do with by adding the
"-g" option.
analyzeHiC proB-HiC -pos
chr11:44,000,000-46,000,000 -res 2500 -superRes 10000
-circos cirOutput -nomatrix -minDist 20000 -d
CTCF-chipseq/ H3K4me2-chipseq/ -g mm9.genes.txt

In the end, there are lots of ways to generate
circos figures. For example, lets say you want to
visualize interchromosomal interactions? Consider
the following (the -minDist was set very high such that
intrachromosomal interactions will be ignored):
analyzeHiC proB-HiC -res 1000000 -cpu 8
-pvalue 1e-7 -circos interChrom -minDist 2000000000

Modifying Circos output without rerunning analyzeHiC
Often you'll run analyzeHiC with the "-circos <prefix>"
option and get a giant mess of interactions, especially if
the "-threshold <#>"
is set low. Sometimes things are not clear, or the
ChIP-Seq signal is too low low to see. For these
types of problems, it is necessary to directly modify the
input files for Circos instead of rerunning analyzeHiC
with different parameters. Below is a set of
modifications that may be helpful. There are a ton
of other things you can do with Circos, so it might be
worth learning more about it from the source.
To regenerate the Circos output after making
modifications, simply run:
circos -conf <prefix>.circos.conf
If you ran: analyzeHiC
ES-HiC -res 50000 -chr chr1 -circos chr1Interactions
> output.txt
Then run: circos
-conf chr1Interactions.circos.conf
Visualizing Subsets of Interactions
Lets say you want to see only interactions that are
interchromosomal, or only the interactions that are
greater than 50Mb apart. You can control this by
adding "Rules" to the Circos configuration file.
If you open the <prefix>.circos.conf file in a
text editor, you should see something like this:
importance = 200
condition = _THICKNESS1_ > 20
thickness = 20
The idea is to add additional rules to the file such as:
importance = 200
condition = _THICKNESS1_ > 20
thickness = 20
importance = 250
condition = _INTRACHR_ && abs(_POSITION1_ -
_POSITION2_) < 50Mb
show = no
This rule with check the condition - is the interaction
intra chromosomal and are the interacting positions less
then 50Mb - then Circos will modify the way the
interaction is shown. In this case, it says "show
= no", which will hide the interaction. Make sure
the "importance" is higher than the other importance
numbers - this specifies which rules take priority - 250
is fine. Lets say we only want to show only
interchromosomal interactions. We'd add the rule:
importance = 250
condition = _INTRACHR_
show = no
I this case, if the interaction is intrachromosomal,
then it won't show it. If you'd prefer to color
those interactions a different color instead of hiding
them, try "color = red" instead of "show = no".
For more on rules, check out the Circos
Changing the Range on tag directory (i.e. ChIP-Seq)
tag pileups
By default, analyzeHiC will display tag
densities ranging from 0 to 100 normalized tag
counts. For some data this is the wrong
range. To change this manually, edit the
<prefix>.circos.conf file and change the min
and max parameters (you can also change
the color and other things):
show = yes
type =
r0 = 0.90r
r1 = 1.00r
color = red
= red
= yes
thickness =
= no
= no
axis = no
file =
min = 0
max = 100
info from Circos