Enriched Peaks, Regions, and Transcripts
HOMER contains a program called findPeaks that performs all of the peak
calling and transcript identification analysis. (Not
to be confused with another peak finding program called FindPeaks,
which was also very creatively named). Finding peaks
is one of the central goals of any ChIP-Seq experiment, and
the same basic principles apply to other types of sequencing
such as DNase-Seq. The basic idea is to identify
regions in the genome where we find more sequencing reads
than we would expect to see by chance. There are
number of different approaches one can use to find peaks,
and correspondingly there are many different methods for
identifying peaks from ChIP-Seq experiments. It is not
required that you use HOMER for peak finding to use the rest
of the tools included in HOMER (see below).
findPeaks has 7
basic modes of operation:
Peak finding for single
contact or focal ChIP-Seq experiments or
DNase-Seq. This type of analysis is useful for
transcription factors, and aims to identify the precise
location of DNA-protein contact. This type of peak
finding uses a FIXED width peak size, which is
automatically estimated from the Tag Autocorrelation. ( see below)
Peak finding for broad
regions of enrichment found in ChIP-Seq experiments for
various histone marks. This analysis finds
variable-width peaks. ( see
Find Super Enhancers in
your data ( see below)
De novo transcript
identification from strand specific GRO-Seq. This
attempts to identify transcripts from nascent RNA
sequencing reads. ( see below)
Identification of
promoter/TSS from 5'RNA-Seq/CAGE or 5'GRO-Seq
data. More info in the TSS
Adjusted parameters for
DNase-Seq peak finding. (NOTE: this is only for
tag-style DNase-Seq) More info in the DNase section.
DNA methylation analysis -
documentation coming soon...
HOMER does not perform de novo transcript isoform
detection from spliced RNA-Seq. There is already a
bunch of great work on this topic, and differential
isoform detection, etc. with RNA-seq is quite
difficult. We recommend the Tophat/ Cufflinks
family of programs for RNA-Seq isoform detection.
Using findPeaks
To run findPeaks, you will
normally type:
findPeaks <tag directory> -style
<factor | histone> -o auto -i <control tag
i.e. findPeaks ERalpha-ChIP-Seq/
-style factor -o auto -i Control-ChIP-Seq/
Where the first argument must be the tag directory
(required). The other options are not
required. The " -style
<...>" option can be either " factor", " histone", or one of a
number of specialized types. Use the " -i" option to specify
a control experiment tag directory (good idea when doing
Output files
Use the " -o <filename>"
to specify where to send the resulting peak file. If
" -o" is not
specified, the peak file will be written to stdout.
If " -o auto" is
specified, the peaks will be written to:
"<tag directory>/peaks.txt" (-style
directory>/regions.txt" (-style histone)
directory>/transcripts.txt" and "<tag
directory>/transcripts.gtf" (-style groseq)
The top portion of the peak file will contain parameters
and various analysis information. This output
differs somewhat for GRO-Seq analysis, and is explained in
more detail later. Some of the values are self
explanatory. Others are explained below:
# HOMER Peaks
# Peak finding parameters:
# tag directory = Sox2-ChIP-Seq
# total peaks = 10280
# peak size = 137
# peaks found using tags on both strands
# minimum distance between peaks = 342
# fragment length = 132
# genome size =
# Total tags = 9908245.0
# Total tags in peaks = 156820.0
# Approximate IP
efficiency = 1.58%
# tags per bp = 0.001907
# expected tags per peak = 0.523
# maximum tags considered per bp = 1.0
# effective number of
tags used for normalization = 10000000.0
# Peaks have been centered at maximum tag pile-up
# FDR rate threshold = 0.001000
# FDR effective poisson threshold = 0.000000
# FDR tag threshold = 8.0
# number of putative peaks = 10800
# size of region used for local filtering = 10000
# Fold over local region required = 4.00
# Poisson p-value over local region required = 1.00e-04
# Putative peaks filtered by local signal = 484
# Maximum fold under expected unique positions for tags
= 2.00
# Putative peaks filtered for being too clonal = 36
# cmd = findPeaks Sox2-ChIP-Seq -style factor -o auto
# Column Headers:
Genome size
represents the total effective number of mappable
bases in the genome (remember each base could be
mapped in each direction)
Approximate IP effeciency describes the fraction of
tags found in peaks versus. genomic background.
This provides an estimate of how well the ChIP
worked. Certain antibodies like H3K4me3, ERa, or
PU.1 will yield very high IP efficiencies (>20%),
while most rand in the 1-20% range. Once this
number dips below 1% it's a good sign the ChIP didn't
work very well and should probably be optimized.
Below the header information are the peaks, listed in each
row. Columns contain information about each peak:
- Column 1: PeakID - a unique name for each peak
(very important that peaks have unique names...)
- Column 2: chr - chromosome where peak is located
- Column 3: starting position of peak
- Column 4: ending position of peak
- Column 5: Strand (+/-)
- Column 6: Normalized Tag Counts - number of tags
found at the peak, normalized to 10 million total
mapped tags (or defined by the user)
- Column 7: (-style factor): Focus Ratio - fraction
of tags found appropriately upstream and downstream
of the peak center. (see below)
of enriched region
- Column 8: Peak score (position adjusted reads from
initial peak region - reads per position may be
- Columns 9+: Statistics and Data from filtering
Two generic tools are available as part of HOMER to
convert peak files to BED files and back. This will
allow you to upload your peak files to the UCSC Genome
Browser, or convert peak files in BED format from another
program into a peak file that can be used by HOMER.
These programs are named pos2bed.pl
and bed2pos.pl,
which can be used the following way:
pos2bed.pl peakfile.txt > peakfile.bed
bed2pos.pl peakfile.bed
> peakfile.txt
Transcription Factor Peaks with HOMER
To find peaks for a
transcription factor use the findPeaks command:
findPeaks <tag directory> -style factor
-o auto -i <input tag directory>
i.e. findPeaks
ERalpha-ChIP-Seq/ -style factor -o auto -i
Identification of Putative Peaks
If findPeaks is run in
"factor" mode, a
fixed peak size is selected based on estimates from the
autocorrelation analysis performed during the makeTagDirectory
command. This type of analysis maximizes
sensitivity for identifying locations where the factor
makes a single contact with the DNA. Peak size can be
set manually with "-size
findPeaks loads
tags from each chromosome, adjusting them to the center
of their fragments, or by half of the estimated fragment
length in the 3' direction (this value is also
automatically estimated from the autocorrelation
analysis). The fragment length can be specified
manually using the "-fragLength
<#>" option. It then scans the
entire genome looking for fixed width clusters with the
highest density of tags. As clusters are found,
the regions immediately adjacent are excluded to ensure
there are no "piggyback peaks" feed off the signal of
large peaks. By default, peaks must be greater
than 2x the peak width apart from on another (set
manually with "-minDist
<#>"). This continues until all
tags have been assigned to clusters.
After all clusters have been found, a tag threshold is
established to correct for the fact that we may expect
to see clusters simply by random chance.
Previously, to estimate the expected number of peaks for
each tag threshold, HOMER would randomly assign tag
positions and repeat the peak finding procedure.
HOMER now assumes the local density of tags follows a
Poisson distribution, and uses this to estimate the
expected peak numbers given the input parameters much
more quickly. Using the expected distribution of
peaks, HOMER calculates the expected number of false
positives in the data set for each tag threshold,
setting the threshold that beats the desired False
Discovery Rate specified by the user (default: 0.001, "-fdr <#>").
HOMER assumes the total number of mappable base pairs in
the genome is 2,000,000,000 bp (** change from previous
version. here 2e9 assumes the actual number of
mappable positions is actually 2x [think + and -
strand]) , which is "close enough" for human and mouse
calculations. You can specify a different genome
size using "-gsize
<#>". HOMER also uses the reads
themselves to estimate the size of the genome (i.e. that
highest tag position on each chromosome). If this
estimate is lower than the default, it will use that
value to avoid using too large of a number on smaller
genomes (For example, if you used findPeaks on drosophila data
without specifying "-gsize").
It is important to note that this false discovery rate
controls for the random distribution of tags along the
genome, and not any other sources of experimental
variation. Alternatively, users can specify the
threshold using "-poisson
<#>" to calculate the tag threshold that
yields a cumulative poisson p-value less than provided
or "-tagThreshold
<#>" to specify a specific number tags to
use as the threshold.
Filtering Peaks
The initial step of peak
finding is to find non-random clusters of tags, but in
many cases these clusters may not be representative of
true transcription factor binding events. To
increase the overall quality of peaks identified by
HOMER, 3 separate filtering steps can be applied to the
initial, putative peaks identified:
Using Input/IgG Sequencing
as a Control
To use an Input or IgG
sequencing run as a control ( HIGHLY RECOMMENDED),
you must first create a separate tag directory for the
input experiment ( see here). Additionally,
you can use other cleaver experiments as a control, such
as a ChIP-Seq experiment for the same factor in another
cell or in a knockout. To find peaks using a
control, type:
findPeaks <tag
directory> -style factor -i <control tag
directory> -o auto
i.e. findPeaks
ERalpha-ChIP-Seq/ -style factor -i Input-ChIP-Seq/
-o auto
HOMER uses two parameters to filter peaks against a
control experiment. First, it uses a fold change
(which is sequencing
depth-independent), requiring each putative
peak to have 4-fold more normalized tags in the target
experiment than the control (or specify a different fold
change with " -F
<#>"). In the case where there are
no input tags near the putative peak, HOMER
automatically sets these regions to be set to the
average input tag coverage to avoid dividing by
zero. HOMER also uses the poisson distribution to
determine the chance that the differences in tag counts
are statistically significant ( sequencing-depth
dependent), requiring a cumulative poisson
p-value of 0.0001 (change with " -P <#>").
This effectively removes peaks with low tag counts for
which there is a chance the differential enrichment is
found simply due to sampling error.
One modification in recent versions of HOMER is the in
the size of region used to compare experiment with
control tags. Since control experiments are not
always performed the same way, e.g. different fragment
lengths, it helps to enlarge the peak size for the
purposes of comparing experiments to ensure control
reads found immediately outside of the peak region are
still considered. By default, HOMER enlarges peaks
by 2x to search the control experiment (change with " -inputSize <#>").
This may reduce specificity when trying to identify
certain types of peaks.
Based on Local Signal
Our experience with peak
finding is that often putative peaks are identified in
regions of genomic duplication, or in regions where the
reference genome likely differs from that of the genome
being sequenced. This produces large regions of
high tag counts, and if no Input/IgG sample is
available, it can be hard to exclude these
regions. Also, it may be advantageous to remove
putative peaks that a spread out over larger regions as
it may be difficult to pin-point the important
regulatory regions within them.
To deal with this, HOMER will filter peaks based on the
local tag counts (similar in principle to MACS).
Be default, HOMER requires the tag density at peaks to
be 4-fold greater than in the surrounding 10 kb
region. This can be modified using "-L <#>" and "-localSize <#>"
to change the fold threshold and size of the local
region, respectively. As with input filtering, the
comparison must also pass a poisson p-value threshold of
0.0001, which can be set using "-LP <#>"
Filtering Based on Clonal
When we first sifted
through peaks identified in ChIP-Seq experiments we
noticed there are many peaks near repeat elements that
contain odd tag distributions. These appear to
arise from expanded repeats that result in peaks with
high numbers of tags from only a small number of unique
positions, even when many of the other positions withing
the region may be "mappable". To help remove these
peaks, HOMER will compare the number of unique positions
containing tags in a peak relative to the expected
number of unique positions given the total number of
tags in the peak. If the ratio between the later
and the former number gets to high, the peak is
discarded. The fold threshold can be set with the
" -C <#>"
option (default: "-C 2"). Homer uses the averageTagsPerPosition
parameter in the tagInfo.txt
file adjust this calculation as to not
over-penalize ChIP-Seq experiments that are already
highly " clonal". If analyzing MNase or
other restriction enzyme digestion experiments turn this
option off (" -C 0");
Disabling Filtering
To disable Input, Local,
or Clonal filtering set any combination of "-F 0 -L 0 -C 0".
Finding Variable Length Transcription Factor Peaks
For those interested in finding peaks that are more
conforming to the regions of enrichment, add "-region"
to the END of the command. The command line is
parsed sequentially, so putting it at the end makes
sure other options will not overwrite it. You
can also get finer resolution by increasing "-regionRes
Peak Centering and Focus Ratios
If the option " -style factor" or " -center" is
specified, findPeaks
will calculate the position within the peak with the
maximum ChIP-fragment overlap and calculate a focusRatio for the
peak. This is not always desired (such as with
histone modifications). The focus ratio is defined
as the ratio of tags located 5' of the peak center on
either strand relative to the total number of tags in
the peak. Peaks that contain tags in the ideal
positions are more likely to be centered on a single
binding site, and these peaks can be used to help
determine what sequences are directly bound by a
transcription factor. Unfocused peaks, or peaks
with low (i.e <80%) focusRatios may be the result of
several closely spaced binding sites or large complexes
that cross-link to multiple positions along the
DNA. Sometimes this means you have more than one
binding site in close proximity (example below), but
other times it means you cross-linked the $#@& out
of your cells, or you have background in your sample.
To isolate focused peaks, you can use the
getFocalPeaks.pl tool:
getFocalPeaks.pl <peak
file> <focus % threshold> >
i.e. getFocalPeaks.pl
ERpeaks.txt 0.90 > ERfocalPeaks.txt
Finding Enriched Regions
of Variable Length
To find variable length
peaks for histone marks, use the findPeaks command:
findPeaks <tag directory> -style histone
-o auto -i <input tag directory>
i.e. findPeaks
H3K4me1-ChIP-Seq/ -style histone -o auto -i
If the option " -style
histone" or " -region"
is specified, findPeaks
will stitch together enriched peaks into regions.
Note that local
filtering is turned off when finding regions.
The most important parameters for region finding are the " -size" and " -minDist" (and of
course the fragment length). First of all, " -size" specifies the
width of peaks that will form the basic building blocks
for extending peaks into regions. Smaller peak sizes
offer better resolution, but larger peak sizes are
usually more sensitive. By default, " -style histone" evokes
a peak size of 500.
The second parameter, " -minDist",
" -region" is used,
this parameter then specifies the maximum distance between
putative peaks that is allowed if they are to be stitched
together to form a region. By default this is 2x the
peak size. If you think about histone modifications,
the signal is never continuous in enriched regions, with
reduced signal due to non-unique sequences (that can't be
mapped to) and nucleosome depleted regions.
"-minDist" informs findPeaks
how big of a gap in the signal will be tolerated for
adjacent peaks to be considered part of the same region.
(by default "-style histone" sets this to 1000).
One thing to note is that you may have to play around with
these parameters to get the results you want. If you
look at the examples below, you could make arguments for
using each of the tracks given what you're interested in
and how you would define a "region".
For example: (in the example below, the default size comes
from the autocorrelation estimate for the
Macrophage-H3K4me1 dataset)
Default Parameters:
Macrophage-H3K4me1/ -i Macrophage-IgG -size 150 -minDist
370 > output.txt (i.e. defaults)
Recommend Parameters for fixed width peaks (i.e. for motif
findPeaks Macrophage-H3K4me1/ -i Macrophage-IgG -size 1000
-minDist 2500 > output.txt
Default Parameters for variable length peaks.
findPeaks Macrophage-H3K4me1/ -i Macrophage-IgG -region
-size 150 -minDist 370 > output.txt
Effect on variable length
peaks if we increase minDist to 1000.
findPeaks Macrophage-H3K4me1/ -i Macrophage-IgG -region
-size 150 -minDist 1000 > output.txt
Recommend Parameters for variable length peaks (H3K4me1 at
findPeaks Macrophage-H3K4me1/ -i Macrophage-IgG -region
-size 1000 -minDist 2500 > output.txt
Effect on variable peaks if we increase minDist to 10000
(H3K4me1 at least).
findPeaks Macrophage-H3K4me1/ -i Macrophage-IgG -region
-size 1000 -minDist 10000 > output.txt
Finding Histone Modification Peaks and Motif Finding
Finding peaks using histone
modification data can be a little tricky - largely because
we have very little idea what the histone marks actually
do. If you want to find peaks in histone
modification data with the purpose of analyzing them for
enriched motifs, read this section. The problem with
histone modification data (and some other types) is that
the signal can spread over large distances. Trying
to analyze large, variable length regions for motif
enrichment is very difficult and not recommended. As
such it is recommended sometimes a better idea to use
fixed-size peak finding on histone marks (i.e. H3K4me1
enhancer mark) to improve motif analysis
results. Using fixed size peaks helps make
sure the assumptions needed for Motif Finding are, let's
say, less violated,
when dealing with regions of constant size.
There are two important differences between finding fixed
width peaks for transcription factors and histone
modifications. The first is the size of the peaks:
Most histone modifications should be analyzed using a peak
size in the range of 500-2000 usually (i.e. "-size
1000"). Below is an example of the histone mark
distribution around transcription factor peaks (i.e. the
things you're hoping Motif Finding will identify), which
can be used to help estimate the parameters:
The other is that you should omit the "-center"
option (i.e. do
not specify "-style factor"). Since you are
looking at a region, you do not necessarily want to center
the peak on the specific position with the highest tag
density, which may be at the edge of the region.
Besides, in the case of histone modifications at
enhancers, the highest signal will usually be found on
nucleosomes surrounding the center of the enhancer, which
is where the functional sequences and transcription factor
binding sites reside. Consider H3K4me marks
surrounding distal PU.1 transcription factor peaks.
Typically, adding the -center option moves peaks further
away from the functional sequence in these
scenarios. An example for finding peaks:
findPeaks H3K4me1-ChIP-Seq/ -i Input-ChIP-Seq
-size 1000 -o H3K4me1-ChIP-Seq/peaks.1kb.txt
One issue with finding histone modification peaks using
the defaults in HOMER is that the Local filtering step
removes several of the peaks due to the "spreading" nature
of many histone modifications. This can be good and
bad. If you are looking for nice concentrated
regions of modified histones, the resulting peaks will be
a nice set for further analysis such as motif
finding. However, if you are looking to identify
every region in the cell that has an appreciable amount of
modified histone, you may want to disable local filtering,
or consider using the " -region"
option below e.g.:
findPeaks H3K4me1-ChIP-Seq/ -i Input-ChIP-Seq
-size 1000 -L 0 -o
Also, if using MNase-treated
chromatin (i.e. nucleosome mapping), you may want to use " -C 0" to avoid
filtering peaks composed of highly clonal tag
positions. These can arise from well positioned
nucleosomes (or sites that are nicely digested by MNase at
Nucleosome Free Regions (NFR) -nfr
Just like peak centering
for transcription factors, findPeaks has an option to look for
large "dips" in the histone modification signal to infer
where the primary nucleosome free region (NFR) is in the
region. By adding " -nfr" to the command, HOMER will search
for the location within the region that has the greatest
differential in ChIP-signal and assign that location as
the peak center. In some ways this is trying to
identify regions that simultaneously contain both high
signal and a nice gap (this is why the absolute
difference is used). This does pretty well when
applied to H3K4me2 or H3K27ac data.
Works much better with MNase treated ChIP-Seq
samples. The output file will then be centered on
the NFR - this is useful for motif finding. By
using NFRs instead of whole regions, you can narrow the
search for regulatory elements down the +/- 100 bp
instead of +/-500 or 1000 bp. Below is an example
of ChIP-Seq peak locations with respect to center of
H3K4me2-ChIP-Seq regions generated with and without the
" -nfr" flag in
Peak finding and Sequencing Saturation
HOMER does not try to
estimate sequencing saturation, which is the estimate of
whether or not you have sequenced enough reads to identify
all the peaks in a given experiment. Generally
speaking, if you sequence more, you will get more peaks
since your sensitivity will increase. The only real
way to assess this is if you can somehow show that all of
the "functional" or "real" peaks have high tag counts
(i.e. are well above the threshold for identifying a
peak), meaning that sequencing more is not likely to
identify more "real" peaks. This generally cannot be
determined by simply re-sampling the data and repeating
the peak finding procedure - you need some sort of outside
information to assess peak quality, such as motif
enrichment or something else. Simply re-sampling
will likely only tell you if you've gotten to the point
where you are simply re-sequencing the same fragments
again - i.e. becoming clonal. In short, if there is
a method that claims it will tell you if you've sequenced
enough only by analyzing your sequencing data alone, it is
probably full of crap.
Finding Super
The concept of a 'super enhancer' has gained traction
as a way to categorize regions of the genome that are
contain several enhancers in close proximity. The
concept was pioneered by the Young lab (Whyte
et al.). These 'super enhancer' regions are
normally located in the vicinity of important genes and
can be useful for describing key components of the
regulatory landscape of the cell. findPeaks has a
'super enhancer' option built in to help identify these
regions in a similar manner to how the Young Lab did it
('-style super').
findPeaks <tag directory> -i <input tag
directory> -style super -o auto
findPeaks ES-Med1 -i ES-input -style super -o auto
(resulting super enhancers will be in the file ES-Med1/superEnhancers.txt)
How finding super enhancers works:
Super enhancer discovery in HOMER emulates the
original strategy used by the Young lab. First,
peaks are found just like any other ChIP-Seq data
set. Then, peaks found within a given distance
are 'stitched' together into larger regions (by
default this is set at 12.5 kb). The super
enhancer signal of each of these regions is then
determined by the total normalized number reads minus
the number of normalized reads in the input.
These regions are then sorted by their score,
normalized to the highest score and the number of
putative enhancer regions, and then super enhancers
are identified as regions past the point where the
slope is greater than 1. Example of a super
enhancer plot:
In the plot above, all of the peaks past 0.95 or so
would be considered "super enhancers", while the one's
below would be "typical" enhancers. If the slope
threshold of 1 seems arbitrary to you, well... it
is! This part is probably the 'weakest link' in
the super enhancer definition. However, the
concept is still very useful. Please keep in
mind that most enhancers probably fall on a continuum
between typical and super enhancer status, so don't
bother fighting over the precise number of super
enhancers in a given sample and instead look for
useful trends in the data.
Super Enhancer Output
The output file is a peak file containing the super
enhancers (if you use "-o auto" the peak file
named 'superEnhancers.txt' will be placed in
the tag directory). If you want to get the
"typical" enhancers, use the option "-typical
<filename>" to output them to a separate
peak file.
Making your own Super Enhancer Plot
Find super enhancers like you normally would, but add
the option "-superSlope -1000" - the idea is to
include ALL potential peaks as 'super enhancers' so
that we can plot them together. Open the
resulting peak file in Excel. The 6th column
("Normalized Tag Count") contains the super enhancer
score for each region. Simply ploting this
column as a line plot will give you a sense of what
your plot will look like. To get an official
"Young-lab style" plot you'll have to do some Excel
algebra to normalize score by the total.
Key parameters for determining super enhancers:
-style super
Required to trigger findPeaks super
enhancer routines.
-typical <filename>
If you want findPeaks to output the
typical (non-super) enhancers too, specify -typical
followed by the desired output file name.
<Tag Directory>
The tag directory you use for super enhancer
calculation is probably the most important
step. In theory, any data could be used.
Normally, you should use either ChIP-Seq for
Transcription Factors (Master/Lineage Determining
Factors preferably), ChIP-Seq for key co-factors
(e.g. Mediator, p300, Brd4, etc.), or enhancer marks
(e.g. H3K27ac, H3K4me1/2, etc.). You can
combine transcription factors into a single tag
directory (makeTagDirectory Combined/ -d TF1/
TF2/ TF3/) too.
-minDist <#>
The maximum distance used to stitch peaks
together. By default it will be set to
12500. Setting this larger or smaller will allow
super enhancers to expand to larger regions or
shrink. If the data is very dense with peaks,
it's probably best to keep this value small. If
on the other hand the data has very few initial peaks
(i.e. less than 10,000), you may need to increase this
value to identify more regions.
-L <#>
The local fold change is used to identify
initial peak by default for super enhancers.
However, when using histone marks with super
enhancers, you may want to disable this set by setting
it to 0 or at least 1.
-superSlope <#>
By default Super Enhancers are identified by
finding the point in the super enhancer graph where
the slope drops below 1. Use this setting to
change the slope threshold.
-superWindow <#>
To ensure the slope calculation is robust,
the local slope is calculated by considering peaks
across a 10 peak window.
Analyzing GRO-Seq: de novo transcript
To find transcripts directly
from GRO-Seq, use the findPeaks
findPeaks <tag directory> -style groseq
-o auto
i.e. findPeaks
Macrophage-GroSeq -style groseq -o auto
GRO-Seq analysis does not make use of an control tag
Basic Idea behind GRO-Seq Transcript identification
Finding transcripts using
strand-specific GRO-Seq data is not trivial.
GRO-Seq measures the production of nascent RNA, and is
capable of revealing the loction of protein coding
transcripts, promoter anti-sense transcripts, enhancer
templated transcripts, long and short functional
non-coding and miRNA transcripts, Pol III and Pol I
transcripts, and whatever else is being transcribed in
the cell nucleus. Identification and quantifiction
of these transcripts is important for downstream
analysis. Traditional RNA-Seq tools mainly focus
on mRNA, which has different features than GRO-Seq, and
are generally not useful for identifying GRO-Seq
Important NOTE: Just as with
ChIP-Seq, not all GRO-Seq data was created
equally. Data created by different labs can have
features that make it difficult to have an single
analysis technique that works perfectly for each
one. As such, there are many parameters to play
with the help get the desired results.
A large number of assumptions go into the analysis and
are covered in more detail in the GRO-Seq tutorial (coming soon).
In a nutshell, findPeaks tracks along each strand of
each chromosome, searching for regions of continous
GRO-Seq signal. Once it encounters high numbers of
GRO-Seq reads, it starts a transcript. If the
signal decreases significantly or disappears, the
putative transcript is stopped. If the signal
increases significantly (and sustainably), then a new
transcript is considered from that point on. If
the signal spikes, but overall does not increase over a
large distance, it is considered an artifact or pause
site and not considered in the analysis. Below is
a chart that helps explain how the transcript detection
By default, new transcripts are created when the tssFold
exceeds 4 and bodyFold exceed 3 ("-tssFold <#>",
"-bodyFold <#>").
A small pseudo-count is added to the tag count from
region a above
to avoid dividing by zero and helps serve to set a
minimum threshold for transcript detection ("-pseudoCount <#>",
default: 1). Most transcripts show robust signal
at the start of the transcript, and the tssFold helps
select for these regions with high accuracy. The bodyFold is
important for distinguishing between "spikes" in signal
and real start sites; if a transcript is real, it's
likely that increased levels of transcription follow
behind the putative TSS. If the signal is roughly
equal before and after the putative TSS, it is more
likely to be an artifact.
To increase senstivity, HOMER tries to adjust the size
of the bodySize
parameter above since it essentially defines the
resolution of the detected transcript. If there
are a large number of GRO-Seq tags in a region, the bodySize can be
small since there is adequate data to estimate the
location of the transcript. However, if the data
is relatively sparse, the bodySize needs to be large to
get a reliable estimate of the level of the
transcript. The minimum and maximum bodySizes are 600
and 10000 bp ("-minBodySize
<#>", "-maxBodySize
<#>"). HOMER uses the smallest bodySize that
contains at least x number
of tags, where x
is determined as the number of tags where the chance of
detecting a bodyFold
change is less than 0.00001 assuming the read
depth varies according to the poisson distribution
(adjustable with "-confPvalue
<#>", or directly with "-minReadDepth <#>").
The basic idea is that the threshold for tag counts must
be high enough that we don't expect it to vary too much
by chance.
Using uniquely mappable regions to improve results
Since some transcripts
cover very large regions, there are many places where
genomic repeats interrupt the GRO-Seq signal of
continous transcripts. To help deal with this
problem, HOMER can take advantage of mappability
information to help estimate transcript levels where
uniquely mapping sequencing reads is not possible.
In general this information is not really that helpful
for ChIP-Seq analysis, but in this case it can make an
important difference. For now, HOMER only take
specially formatted binary files available below.
To use them, download the appropriate version and unzip
the archive:
To use the uniq-map information, specify the location of
the unzipped directory on the command line with " -uniqmap <directory>":
Macrophage-GroSeq/ -style groseq -o auto -uniqmap
GRO-Seq analysis output
Running findPeaks in
groseq mode will produce a file much like the one
produced for traditional peak finding, complete with a
header section listing the parameters and statistics
from the analysis. HOMER can also produce a GTF
(gene transfer format) file for use with various
programs. If " -o
auto" is used to specify output, a
"transcripts.gtf" file will be created in the tag
directory. Otherwise, you can specify the name of
the GTF output file by use " -gtf <filename>". The GTF
file can also be easily uploaded to the UCSC Genome
Browser to visualize your transcripts.
The GRO-Seq transcript
detection works pretty well, but is likely to get some
face-lifts in the near future.
Command line options for findPeaks
Usage: findPeaks
<tag directory> [options]
Finds peaks in
the provided tag directory. By default, peak list
printed to stdout
General analysis
-o <filename|auto> (file name for to output peaks,
default: stdout)
"-o auto" will send output to "<tag
directory>/peaks.txt", ".../regions.txt",
or ".../transcripts.txt" depending on the "-style" option
-style <option> (Specialized options for specific
analysis strategies)
factor (transcription factor ChIP-Seq, uses -center, output:
peaks.txt, default)
histone (histone modification ChIP-Seq, region based, uses
-region -size 500 -L 0, regions.txt)
groseq (de novo transcript identification from GroSeq data,
tss (TSS identification from 5' RNA sequencing, tss.txt)
dnase (Hypersensitivity [crawford style (nicking)],
super (Super Enhancers, superEnhancers.txt)
mC (Cytosine methylation (BS-seq/methylC-seq), regions.txt)
-i <input tag directory> (Experiment to use as
-size <#> (Peak size, default: auto)
-minDist <#> (minimum distance between peaks, default:
peak size x2)
-gsize <#> (Set effective mappable genome size,
default: 2e9)
-fragLength <#|auto> (Approximate fragment length,
default: auto)
-inputFragLength <#|auto> (Approximate fragment length
of input tags, default: auto)
-tbp <#> (Maximum tags per bp to count, 0 = no limit,
default: auto)
-inputtbp <#> (Maximum tags per bp to count in input,
0 = no limit, default: auto)
-strand <both|separate> (find peaks using tags on both
strands or separate, default:both)
-norm # (Tag count to normalize to, default 10000000)
-region (extends start/stop coordinates to cover full region
considered "enriched")
-center (Centers peaks on maximum tag overlap and calculates
focus ratios)
-nfr (Centers peaks on most likely nucleosome free region
[works best with mnase data])
(-center and -nfr can be performed later with "getPeakTags"
Peak Filtering
options: (set -F/-L/-C to 0 to skip)
-F <#> (fold enrichment over input tag count, default:
-P <#> (poisson p-value threshold relative to input
tag count, default: 0.0001)
-L <#> (fold enrichment over local tag count, default:
-LP <#> (poisson p-value threshold relative to local
tag count, default: 0.0001)
-C <#> (fold enrichment limit of expected unique tag
positions, default: 2.0)
-localSize <#> (region to check for local tag
enrichment, default: 10000)
-inputSize <#> (Size of region to search for control
tags, default: 2x peak size)
-fdr <#> (False discovery rate, default = 0.001)
-poisson <#> (Set poisson p-value cutoff, default:
uses fdr)
-tagThreshold <#> (Set # of tags to define a peak,
default: 25)
-ntagThreshold <#> (Set # of normalized tags to define
a peak, by default uses 1e7 for norm)
-minTagThreshold <#> (Absolute minimum tags per peak,
default: expected tags per peak)
Options: (Need to specify "-style super"):
-superSlope <#> (Slope threshold to identify super vs.
typical enh., default: 1.00)
-superWindow <#> (moving window/number of peaks to use
to calculate slope, default: 10)
-typical <filename> (Output typical enhancers to this
file, default: not used)
MethylC-Seq/BS-Seq options (Need to specify "-style mC"):
-unmethylC / -methylC (find unmethylated/methylated regions,
default: -unmethyC)
-mCthresh <#> (methylation threshold of regions,
default: avg methylation/2)
-minNumC <#> (Minimum number of cytosines per
methylation peak, default: 6)
GroSeq Options
(Need to specify "-style groseq"):
-tssSize <#> (size of region for initiation
detection/artifact size, default: 250)
-minBodySize <#> (size of regoin for transcript body
detection, default: 1000)
-tssFold <#> (fold enrichment for new initiation
dectection, default: 4.0)
-bodyFold <#> (fold enrichment for new transcript
dectection, default: 4.0)
-endFold <#> (end transcript when levels are this much
less than the start, default: 10.0)
-method <fold|level> (method used for identifying new
transcripts, default: fold)
-fragLength <#> (Approximate fragment length, default:
-uniqmap <directory> (directory of binary files
specifying uniquely mappable locations)
Download from http://biowhat.ucsd.edu/homer/groseq/
-confPvalue <#> (confidence p-value: 1.00e-05)
-minReadDepth <#> (Minimum initial read depth for
transcripts, default: auto)
-pseudoCount <#> (Pseudo tag count, default: 2.0)
-rev (reverse strand of reads - for first-strand
-gtf <filename> (Output de novo transcripts in GTF
"-o auto" will produce <dir>/transcripts.txt and
Links to
alternative peak finding software
Lots of quality programs
exist for finding peaks in ChIP-Seq data. Most use
slightly different assumptions and peak definitions that
result in slightly different sets of peaks. Many of
these programs output peak files in BED format. To
covert these to HOMER peak file format, use the bed2pos.pl
program to convert the file (as of now, most HOMER
programs work with BED files, so this isn't really
> peaks.txt
Peak finding software links: