

Software for motif discovery and next-gen sequencing analysis

Configuring, Updating, and Customizing HOMER

This section covers how to update and customize HOMER - It is new to v4.4, and long overdue.  All of the annotation parsing and updating scripts that were previously kept with the development code are now part of HOMER.  Overall, there are 5 different strategies for customizing HOMER:
  1. [configureHomer.pl] Installing & updating packages from the HOMER website using configureHomer.pl - this is the normal way to change HOMER, covered here.
  2. Using FASTA genome files and custom GTF files with HOMER analysis programs (no permanent Homer configuration changes)
  3. [loadGenome.pl, loadPromoters.pl] Creating your own genome and promoter packages from FASTA and/or annotation files.
  4. [update/updateGeneIdentifiers.pl, update/updateUCSCGenomeAnnotations.pl] Updating or adding organism gene accessions and GO terms from NCBI, updating or adding additional UCSC genomes or annotation.
  5. Spoofing HOMER format files to incorporate you own data.
If these options don't make sense to you, don't worry.  As you go through this section and/or use HOMER these will start to make more sense.

[1] Basic Configuration of HOMER - recommended

In an effort to make sure things are standardized for analysis, HOMER organizes promoters, genome sequences and annotation into packages.  Versions are based on assemblies from the UCSC Genome Browser whenever possible.  Accession numbers gene ontology definitions are based on the NCBI gene database.  All program files and motif libraries are all part of the standard HOMER installation.
Configuration is handled automatically through the configureHomer.pl script, which should reside in the directory where HOMER is installed (i.e. /path-to-homer/).  To see which packages are available, run the configureHomer.pl script:

perl /path-to-homer/configureHomer.pl -list

Every time you run the configureHomer.pl script, it will attempt to update the available packages by downloading the update.txt file from homer.salk.edu/homer/.  Using this, the program will assess which packages are installed and which are available to download.

To install or remove any packages, simply rerun the command using "-install <package name>" or "-remove <package name>".

perl /path-to-homer/configureHomer.pl -install human

This would configure HOMER for analysis of human promoters.

You may notice that a package may have a "-p" (i.e. "human-p") at the end of it, or a "-o" or "-g".  These help disambiguate package names if they have the same name in different sections (i.e. -p for promoters).  Overall, HOMER packages come in 4 types:
  • SOFTWARE - In this case only the homer code is there.  This package contains all of the code plus some general data files, such as motif matrices.
  • ORGANISMS - Species specific packages contain accession conversion data, gene descriptions, and GO analysis files specific to each organism.  Most are based on NCBI Gene database information
  • PROMOTERS - Promoter sequences and related files for analyzing promoters for motif enrichment.  Most often based on RefSeq transcript definitions.  Packages with "-mRNA" in the name contain RNA sequence for analysis of RNA instead of DNA
  • GENOMES - Genomic sequence and annotation information
You may also notice that if you download the hg19 genome, it will automatically download the 'human' organism package.  Each time you download a promoter or genome package, it will check to make sure you have the Organism package too.

[2] Using Custom Genomes and annotation files "on-the-fly"

If you want to use a genome, set of promoters, or genomic annotations that are not part of HOMER's configuration, most HOMER commands support the use of FASTA files, GTF files, or other sensible options to enable analysis.

Genomes (FASTA):

Nearly every program in HOMER that accepts a genome parameter can also accept a genome FASTA file. Genome FASTA files should contain all chromosomes in a single file.  Chromosome names should occur right after the FASTA header (i.e. ">chr1").  If additional information is in the FASTA headers, there should be a space between the chromosome name and the additional information.

Example of using FASTA file for motif finding for the alien A.L.F.: findMotifsGenome.pl peaks.txt ALF.fasta OutputResults/

Or, lets say you did ChIP-Seq on one of A.L.F.'s alien transcription factors: makeTagDirectory ALF-TF-ChIPseq/ reads.sam -genome ALF.fasta -checkGC

Gene Annotation (GTF files):

When annotating regions in the genome with programs like annotatePeaks.pl, you may with to use novel transcripts (or be using a genome with no annotation).  Most programs such as this annotatePeaks.pl offer a "-gtf <gtffilename>" option to specify a custom annotation.

If you do not have a GTF file, you can try to use GFF or GFF3 formatted files (use "-gff" or "-gff3" instead of "-gtf").  GFF, GFF3, and GTF format files are all very similar in their format, however, GFF/GFF3 files are not as strict in their specification and it may be difficult for HOMER to process their contents.  As a result, it's best to use GTF files whenever possible.

If you're having trouble with your file, you can try parsing the GTF/GFF files with the parseGTF.pl program.  This script is used internally by programs like annotatePeaks.pl to convert GTF files into HOMER-style annotation files.  Running this script with your files as a test can sometimes identify problems with the parsing.

Motif Finding from FASTA files (FASTA):

findMotifs.pl (and homer2) allow you to use FASTA files for motif finding (i.e. findMotifs.pl targets.fa fasta OutputDirectory -fasta background.fa).  More information here.

[3] Adding Custom Genomes and Promoters to the HOMER configuration

To simplify the use of custom genomes and annotations, you may want to load them into HOMER's configuration so that you can use them by name like pre-configured HOMER packages.  HOMER offers two basic programs that assist with promoter and genome configuration.

Loading Custom Promoter Sets [loadPromoters.pl]

Promoter set creation starts with either a FASTA file of promoter sequences, or a genome and TSS peak file that defines the promoter locations.  The loadPromoters.pl command will takes either of these data types and place a database of promoter sequences in the data/promoters directory so that they can be referenced by their 'name' using findMotifs.pl and other commands that reference promoter sets.  Required pieces of information include:

  • Promoter Set Name (-name): Name that you will refer to it later by when running findMotifs.pl
  • Organism (-org): If you supply a HOMER organism it will attempt to leverage all of the ID conversion and GO analysis.  Put null here if you are using an unsupported organism.
  • ID type (-id): The type of ID your promoters are indexed by (gene [as in NCBI Gene], refseq, ensembl, unigene, or custom).  Put custom here if you have an unsupported id type.

The Promoter Set Name should be unique.  If there is a conflict, the program will tell you to rerun the command with "-force" to overwrite the existing definition.  There are other options, such as specifying the version for record keeping purposes (-version <#>).  As a heads up, if you start your version with a 'v', HOMER will assume it is part of the normally maintained packages and might overwrite it during an update with configureHomer.pl.  After you run the loadPromoters.pl command, a new entry will appear in the config.txt file in the base homer directory.

Example with FASTA file as input:

If all you want to do is find motifs from a FASTA file, you do NOT want to run this configuration command.  If, however, you have a list of promoter sequences (or something similar) where you will frequently want to perform motif finding on a subset of them (i.e. co-regulated genes, etc.), then this is the perfect command for you!  The key is that you must specify the FASTA file with sequences that are the same length for each entry (i.e. +/- 2kb from the TSS).  You MUST also specify the offset from the TSS for the first nucleotide in the file using "-offset <#>".  For example, if you have sequences that are from -2kb to +2kb, use "-offset -2000".

Example of custom human promoters:
loadPromoters.pl -name ChucksPromoters -org human -id refseq -fasta ChuckSequences.fasta -offset 2000

Example from alternative organism not recognized by HOMER:
loadPromoters.pl -name ALFpromoters -org null -id custom -fasta ALFsequences.fasta -offset 2000

Example with Genome/TSS peaks as input:

The other popular option is that you may have a list of TSS derived from 5'RNA-Seq or CAGE, or you have a custom genome with TSS locations.  In these cases you can specify the genome and TSS peaks.  The TSS should be specified in a peak file where the 'center' of the peak in the actual TSS:

Example of custom human promoters:
loadPromoters.pl -name GencodePromoters -org human -id ensembl -genome hg19 -tss gencode.tss.txt

RNA-based motif finding (FASTA)

HOMER will let you load promoter sets that aren't really promoters at all, but rather RNA sequences.  This can facilitate motif finding for RNA motifs.  In these cases it works just like a traditional FASTA command, but be sure to name the promoter set such that it contains -mRNA, such as "human-mRNA".  findMotifs.pl will look for "-mRNA" in the promoter set name and automatically adjust settings for RNA motif finding.  It is recommended that if you are using RNA sequences for submission, use "-offset 0".

Loading Custom Genomes [loadGenome.pl]

Loading custom genomes can save you a lot of time if you use HOMER a bunch.  If your genome is available through the UCSC Genome Browser, it is recommended that you try adding it to HOMER through the update scripts in the next section.  However, if that is not an option for you, I would recommend adding it with loadGenome.pl.  To load a genome, there are several required parameters:

  • Genome name (-name): Name that you will refer to the genome as when running findMotifsGenome.pl, annotatePeaks.pl, etc.
  • A FASTA file of the genome (-fasta): all in one file (soft masked is preferred)
  • A GTF file describing the locations of genes (-gtf):  HOMER will attempt to choke down GFF and GFF3 files, but the conventions for how genes are recorded in these files is more variable and HOMER might have trouble.  You can test HOMER's parsing of these files by running parseGTF.pl.
  • Organism (-org): If you supply a HOMER organism it will attempt to leverage all of the ID conversion and GO analysis.  Put null here if you are using an unsupported organism.

The Genome Name should be unique.  If there is a conflict, the program will tell you to rerun the command with "-force" to overwrite the existing definition.  There are other options, such as specifying the version for record keeping purposes (-version <#>).  As a heads up, if you start your version with a 'v', HOMER will assume it is part of the normally maintained packages and might overwrite it during an update with configureHomer.pl.  After you run the loadGenomes.pl command, a new entry will appear in the config.txt file in the base homer directory.


loadGenome.pl -name alf -org null -fasta ALFgenome.fasta -gtf ALFgenes.gtf

loadGenome.pl can also save you some time will creating a promoter set for your genome too!  Add "-promoters <PromoterSetName>" and it will automatically call loadPromoters.pl in the command using the TSS defined in your GTF file.

[4] Updating Organism Accessions, Promoters, and Genomes from NCBI & UCSC

Starting with HOMER v4.4, the auxiliary scripts used to generate HOMER annotation packages are now part of the software release.  This means that you can now update HOMER annotations whenever you like, and also allows you to add organisms and genomes such that they are prepared the same way that most HOMER genomes and annotation is prepared. 

The following update scripts are located in the update/ directory and can be used for the following:

  • Update and/or add organism gene accessions and conversion tables, GO and pathway ontologies [updateGeneIdentifiers.pl]
  • Update and/or add genomes and annotations maintained by the UCSC Genome Browser [updateUCSCGenomeAnnotations.pl]
  • Update and/or add promoter sets based on genome annotations [updatePromoters.pl]
  • Update Transcription Factor motif libraries [updateMotifFiles.pl]

NOTE: These programs are designed to be executed from the update/ directory - do not attempt to run them from a different directory.  Also, they should be executed in order when performing a full update (i.e. update the gene identifiers before updating the genome, etc.)

WARNING: These scripts *should* work on both UNIX/Linux and Mac OS based systems.  However, due to all the small differences between how these systems operate and if you encounter trouble please contact us.

General Concept behind update/ scripts:

Each of these scripts will attempt to download information from various sources using wget to fetch files over your internet connection.  Most of it comes from NCBI Gene Database and the UCSC Genome Browser, but other sources are included as well.  The organisms, genomes, etc. that are incorporated are determined by initial manifest tables that are provided as the primary input file to each of the commands.  Examples are in the update/ directory and described in greater detail below.  In each case, the update programs will download the appropriate data, parse it and perform any initial data organization or manipulation that is necessary, and then automatically autoconfigure the data for use with HOMER's configuration management.  It will then be ready to use with the rest of HOMER.

Updating Gene Identifiers, Accession number mappings, and Gene Onotology/Pathway resources (i.e. Organism packages)

The updateGeneIdentifiers.pl script can be used to update and add organism packages to HOMER.  To run the script you must create an organism manifest file, or use/modify the example provided in the update/ directory ("taxids.tsv").  The file is a tab-delimited text file with the following columns:

  1. NCBI Taxonomy ID for the organism (i.e. human is 9606)
  2. The common name for the organism that HOMER will use to reference the data later in commands like convertIDs.pl (i.e. human, mouse, etc.)
  3. The full species name for the organism.
  4. The version specification of the package HOMER creates.  You may use whatever you want for this value - if it starts with a "v" (i.e. v1.0), the configureHomer.pl script may attempt to modify the package later.  If it starts with anything else, configureHomer.pl should ignore when attempting to update HOMER.

(Check out taxids.tsv in the update/ directory for an example)

To run the command (from the update/ directory):

./updateGeneIdentifiers.pl taxids.tsv

# or, to include some common affymetrix ID conversions:
./updateGeneIdentifiers.pl taxids.tsv externalIDs.tsv

The gene identifier update process

Gene identifiers are build around the NCBI Gene Database, which depending on your point of view is one of the more complete databases of information on gene accession information available across a wide range of species.  The script will basically raid all of the files on the NCBI Gene FTP site (ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/gene/DATA/) and process them to create ID conversion tables for each of the organisms in the input manifest file (i.e. taxids.tsv).  It will also download the primary uniprot data files (ftp://ftp.uniprot.org/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/knowledgebase/complete/).

The GO/pathway update process

By Gene Ontology(GO) and pathway information, what we really mean is any type of gene groupings that could provide information about how a group of genes are connected.  The Gene Onotology is by far the most used database for functional enrichment calculations, but there are many other sources worth considering.  HOMER downloads the GO trees directly from the GO website, and uses the NCBI Gene database mappings to populate the genes in the GO tree.  HOMER also parses the Gene annotation in NCBI Gene and Uniprot files to identify genes with common protein domains, chromosome locations, and protein-protein interactions.  HOMER also downloads files from the new NCBI biosystems database, which include KEGG, Pathway Interaction Database, REACTOME, BIOCYC, Lipid Maps, and Wikipathways databases.  Finally get downloads genes with GWAS hits (GWAS Catalog) and or ones mutated in the same cancer (COSMIC database).

Downloading uniprot_trembl.dat

The most resource intensive aspect of the updateGeneIdentifiers.pl script is the time it takes to download the uniprot/trembl data files and parse them.  The script that does this is relatively inefficient and uses up to 30Gb of RAM.  Downloading the file itself can also take several hours - if you download it once and leave it in the update/ directory, the program will NOT download it again if it finds it.  This can save time...

Updating Genomes and Genomic Annotations from the UCSC Genome Browser (i.e. Genome packages)

updateUCSCGenomeAnnotations.pl helps automate the process of compiling key information for genomes maintained by the UCSC Genome Browser.  Just like the updateGeneIdentifiers.pl script, it requires an input file containing key information about the genomes you want to create packages out of.  The file is a tab-delimited text file (example file in the update/ directory is ucsc.txt).  The following are the columns required (Changed for v4.5):

  1. Name of the UCSC Genome (i.e. hg19, mm9, ce10, etc.)
  2. Organism name (ideally the organism used for the organism package, i.e. human, mouse, etc.)
  3. The version specification of the package HOMER creates.  You may use whatever you want for this value - if it starts with a "v" (i.e. v1.0), the configureHomer.pl script may attempt to modify the package later.  If it starts with anything else, configureHomer.pl should ignore when attempting to update HOMER.

(Check out ucsc.txt in the update/ directory for an example)

To run the command (from the update/ directory):

./updateUCSCGenomeAnnotations.pl ucsc.txt

The Genome Update Process

Similar to the other update scripts, this one will extract the genome FASTA file(s) and key files from the annotation database at UCSC for each organism.  Gene annotations are built from the refGene.txt files stored for each genome, and repeat definitions are derived from repeat mask files.  These files are parsed into the various files found in the genome directories.

Potential Problems when adding new organisms

The UCSC Genome Browser is nearly infallible due to the incredible resource they provide the community, but sometimes the information about each organism is stored slightly differently and the current update scripts in HOMER may not be looking for the correct files (or they have a slightly different format, etc.).  If this happens let me know and maybe we can adjust things to fix it. 

Updating Promoters from available Genomes (i.e. Promoter packages)

updatePromoters.pl works a lot like the other update scripts, and takes a promoter manifest file as input.  The file should be a tab-delimited text file with the following columns:

  1. Promoter Set Name (package name to be used with findMotifs.pl)
  2. Genome to use (i.e. hg19)
  3. Offset
(Check out promoters.txt in the update/ directory for an example)

To run the command (from the update/ directory):

./updatePromoters.pl promoters.txt

The Promoter Update Process

This script will automatically find the TSS locations in the genome annotation and create promoter sets using sequences from these regions.  The script basically automates the execution of loadPromoters.pl

Creating mRNA, 3'UTR, and 5'UTR analysis sets

If you feel like trying your luck and RNA motif finding, you can specify "-rna" at the command line when running updatePromoters.pl to have the program automatically download RefSeq RNAs from UCSC and set them up as promoter sets.

Updating Motif Files

The updateMotifFiles.pl script is useful for two purposes - it will re-download JASPAR motif matrices and incorporate them in the motif files homer uses.  It also provides you an opportunity to add your own motifs in the motif/ directory.  Motifs placed in the correct directories in the motif/ folder will be incorporated into the final files.

[5] Customizing HOMER and the organization of the software

What follows is a short description of how HOMER is organized - as some researchers may want to force HOMER to do things that aren't available out of the box, this might help them accomplish this successfully!

HOMER configuration is stored in a file named "config.txt" which is located in the base Homer directory.  This is a tab-delimited file that is read by various programs to determine where certain data is stored.  Directories to genome or promoter based data are stored here (given relative to the base Homer directory).

Other standard files, such as a README.txt, COPYING, and Homer.pdf documentation are also found in this directory, as well as the configureHomer.pl script and the update.txt file which is downloaded each time configureHomer.pl is evoked.


bin/ - location of all perl scripts and executable programs that apart of HOMER.  There is a lot of "stuff" in here, some of which are half finished, abandoned, or simply don't work.  These pages only talk about the ones that do work :)

cpp/ - location of c++ source files.  Parts of the program which need to be fast and/or memory efficient are written in c++.  As time goes on, and data sets get bigger, I've been slowly migrating perl programs to c++.  I love perl - it's much much faster to write a useful program, but in the end c++ is much much faster at executing. 

motifs/ - location to put custom motif files you may want to reuse

update/ - location of annotation update scripts.  Also contains some specialized information (such as organism specific motifs, affymetrix probeID conversion files, etc.) (new in v4.4)

data/ - location of all the data files for HOMER

data/accession/ - location of flat files for accession number conversion.  For each organism, there is a org2gene.tsv and org.description, both of which are tab-delimited text files, which are used for ID conversion and annotation information.

data/GO/ - gene ontology files (*.genes) that are tab-delimited text files with GO ID, GO name, and a comma separated list of gene IDs for various "ontologies".  These files are species independent (contain IDs from several organisms).  The names of the files are hard-coded in the gene ontology program, so you can either replace the files with something you are interested in or change the hard-coded file names in findGO.pl program.

data/knownTFs/ - This directory contains motif libraries used for checking the identities of de novo motifs (all.motifs - most of which come from JASPAR), and a list of previously found motifs (known.motifs) used for checking the enrichment of known motifs.  These files can be replaced with similar formatted files if you wish.  There is also a sub directory, named "data/knownTFs/motifs/", which contains *.motif files for my own personal motif library (to be used with other applications such as annotatePeaks.pl).

data/misc/ - I guess if don't like reading about a legendary human being at the bottom of your motif finding results, you could delete or change this file.  Be warned - I'm not responsible if you end up getting a swift roundhouse kick to the face.

data/promoters/ - files used for promoter motif finding.  For each promoter set (called "name"), there are several files:
  • name.seq (promoter sequence)
  • name.mask (repeat-masked promoter sequence)
  • name.cgbins (assignments of promoters to different CpG classes)
  • name.cgfreq (CpG/GC frequencies)
  • name.pos (genomic positions of promoters)
  • name.redun (mapping between redundant promoters i.e. share similar sequence)
  • name.cons (might be missing - 0-9 phastCons score or promoter sequence)
  • name.base (IDs to use as background - typically expressed or confident promoters)
  • name.base.gene (name.base in terms of gene ids to use with gene ontology analysis) 
data/genomes/ - each genome has it's own directory.  Within each directory are the *.fa files or *.fa.masked files containing the genome sequence.  In addition, there are several annotation files:
  • *.fa or *.fa.masked files for each chromosome
  • genome.tss (positions of refseq transcription start sites)
  • genome.tts (positions of refseq transcription termination sites)
  • genome.splice3p (positons of refseq 3' splice sites)
  • genome.splice5p (positons of refseq 5' splice sites)
  • genome.aug (positions of refseq translation start codons)
  • genome.stop (positions of refseq translation stop codons)
  • genome.rna (refseq RNA definition file)
  • genome.repeats.rna (repeat RNA definition file)
  • genome.basic.annotation (exon/intron/TSS/TTS/intergenic region annotations)
  • genome.full.annotation (basic with CpG island and repeats annotated)
  • conservation/ subdirectory (contains "FASTA-like" files with phastcons information) - this is being phased out
  • annotation/ subdirectory (contains annotation definitions for the GenomeOntology)

Can't figure something out? Questions, comments, concerns, or other feedback: