SIMA: Structured Interaction Matrix Analysis
Hi-C is an unbiased assay of chromatin conformation,
resulting in even read coverage across the entire
genome. This, coupled with the fact that most Hi-C
reads describe interactions at close linear distance along
the chromosomes, results in relatively sparse read coverage
for interactions between individual restriction fragments
separated by great distance. This makes it difficult
to find high-resolution interactions across long
distances. To help identify which distal and/or
inter-chromosomal regions co-localize, we generally increase
the size of the regions [i.e. decrease the resolution] to
boost the number of Hi-C reads used for interaction
analysis. This is the most common and simplest
technique used by most approaches (including HOMER).
It's much easier to identify significant inter-chromosomal
interactions between regions that are 100kb in size than
regions that are only 5kb in size (essentially 20x more Hi-C
reads to work with).
The major drawback to this methodology is that it is
difficult to identify features that are responsible for
mediating the interaction due to the large resolution
size. To address this, HOMER implements an algorithm
called Structured Interaction Matrix
Analysis (or SIMA) to help identify which genomic
features play a role in mediating interactions between two
large domains. SIMA works by pooling interactions
across a set of genomic features, such as ChIP-Seq peaks,
and scores the relative enrichment of Hi-C interactions in
these regions relative to randomly selected regions.
The schematic below describes how this works:

SIMA takes a set of "domains" as input (could be only 1),
and peak/BED files for assessing enrichment. SIMA then
analyzes each domain against each of the other domains and
calculates the number of interactions connecting peaks from
on domain to peaks in the other domain (normalized for
expected interactions based on the background model).
It then randomizes the peak positions and recalculates the
connecting interactions to generate a NULL distribution to
use to gauge the significance of the interactions from the
true peaks.
Generating Domains to use with SIMA
One common way to generate domains is to use
compartment regions identified from PCA analysis.
For example:
runHiCpca.pl esData ES-HiC/ -cpu 8
findHiCCompartments.pl esData.PC1.txt >
You could also use topological domains, custom regions,
etc. The input domain file for SIMA is a peak/BED
file. If you only want to analyze a single region,
just include a single region in the domain file.
Running SIMA
SIMA is generally run using a two step
process. First, the calculations are made generating
a table of results. Then this table can be used to
generate visualization files. To run SIMA, use the SIMA.pl
program as shown below:
SIMA.pl <Hi-C Tag Directory> -d
<domain peak/BED file> -p <peak/BED file1>
... [other options] > outputTable.txt
For Example:
SIMA.pl Bcell-HiC/ -d domains.txt -p pu1.peaks.txt
-cpu 8 -chr chr19 > simaOutput.txt
By default, this will compare each domain to every other
domain. For set of domain comparisons, the peak
files supplied will be used to assess their significance
as interaction anchors between domains.
SIMA.pl can take a while to run since it's
performing high resolution analysis across the interaction
space. If you have multiple CPUs, it's highly
recommended to run SIMA.pl with the "-cpu
<#>" option.
Below are important options to help control how SIMA is
-d <domain peak/BED file> :
regions to use as domains
-minDsize <#> : removes domains
smaller than this size (default: 500000)
-p <peak/BED file> [peak/BED file2] ... :
regions to score interactions at. You can supply
multiple peak files. Each peak file will be used
separately to score interactions (file1 vs file1, file2
vs file2, etc.)
-AvsA : compare each of the peaks
against one another.
-p2 <peak/BED file> [peak/BED file2] ...
: Peaks must be "paired" with peaks specified with "-p
<peak/BED> ...". This allows different
types of peaks to be compared (file1[-p] vs.
file1[-p2], file2[-p] vs. file2[-p2], etc.). If
in doubt, use the "-AvsA" option.
-res <#> | -superRes <#> : Sets
resolution of analysis (default: -res 2000 -superRes
-minDist <#> : Do not consider Hi-C
interactions spanning less than this distance.
Important for keeping analysis away from the diagonal of
interaction matrix (default: 2x super resolution).
-min <#> : minimum distance between domains
to analyze (default: -1).
-max <#> : maximum distance between domains
to analyze (default: 1e9). To only analyze domains
vs. themselves, set this value to something very
low. To analyze all possible domains (including
interchromosomeal interactions), set to -1.
-chr <chr> : only analyze domains found on
this chromsome
-N <#> : Number of randomization for
calculating significance scores.
-cpu < #> : Number of CPUs to use (Domain
comparisons will be done on separate CPUs)
SIMA will send the output table to stdout. Below is
a description of the output columns:
- region name for domain1
- chr for domain1
- start position for domain1
- end position for domain1
- region name for domain2
- chr for domain2
- start position for domain2
- end position for domain2
- peak/BED file1 (for domain1)
- peak/BED file2 (for domain2
- Number of peaks in domain1
- Number of peaks in domain2
- p-value of comparison
- Ratio of observed Hi-C Read enrichment vs.
Randomized Average (e.g. col 15 vs. col 16)
- Peak enrichment ratio vs. expected interactions
- Average randomized peak enrichment ratio vs.
expected interactions
Interpreting SIMA results
When comparing one domain versus another, a
strong positive ratio [col 14] (and low p-value) implies
that the peaks used in the analysis participate in a
higher proportion of the inter-domain interactions then
expected by chance (red below). If inter-domain
interactions are depleted at the peak positions, the
ratio will be well below 1.
When comparing a domain versus itself, a strong positive
ratio implies that the peaks participate in a high
proportion of the intra-domain interactions. Below
is a schematic to illustrate the physical

Visualizing SIMA Results
After running SIMA to generate the output table,
you can run SIMA.pl again to generate visualization
files. Generating visualization files is quick - the
idea is to run the analysis once (which takes much
longer), and then you can experiment with different
visualization options.
Generally, there are two ways to visualize SIMA
results. To visualize how SIMA scores vary across
domains, the Matrix/Heapmap option can be used. To
visualize how multiple peaks form interactions across a
single domain (or set of domains), then the Cytoscape
option should be used.
Domain Comparison Matrix/Heatmap
SIMA will visualize the domain interaction
scores using the following command:
SIMA.pl -matrix <SIMA output from
analysis> [options] > outputMatrix.txt
In practice, you would run SIMA like this (using PC1
compartments saved in the file "domains"):
#run SIMA first
SIMA.pl Bcell-HiC -d domains.txt -p ctcf.peaks.txt
-cpu 8 -chr chr11 > simaOutputTable.txt
#create heatmap
SIMA.pl -matrix simaOutputTable.txt -p
ctcf.peaks.txt -minPeaks 5 > outputMatrix.txt
Viewing the "outputMatrix.txt" with Java Tree View
(visualizing values as log2):

Each row and column is an active compartment along
chr11 (these regions correspond to the PC1 values in
the SIMA figure at the beginning of this
If we use TSS for the SIMA analysis instead of CTCF
peaks, we get something that looks more like this:

There are several option to tune how the result is
-res <#> : Resolution of output
matrix file (default: 200000). You'll need to
adjust this if your domain sizes are small.
-p <peak/BED file> : display results for
this peak file (if multiple peaks were analyzed at
-minPeaks <#> : only display regions with
at least this many peaks.
-stat <pvalue|ratio> : display this
value in the heatmap (default: ratio)
-pvalue <#> : only display ratio of
domain relationships if the p-value is less than this
value (default: 0.01)
Relationship between peaks in Cytoscape
To understand the relationship between peak
files and Hi-C interactions across a single
domain/region, SIMA has an option to output files that
can be visualized using Cytoscape. Normally to run
SIMA in this mode, you would collect several peak files
and use the "-AvsA" option in the command like this:
# save a single region into the file
SIMA.pl Bcell-HiC -p ctcf.peaks pu1.peaks
h3k4me2.peaks e2a.peaks -d domain.txt -AvsA
> outputTable.txt
To generate the visualization files, run SIMA.pl
with the "-cytoscape" option:
SIMA.pl -cytoscape <SIMA output from
analysis> [options]
For example:
SIMA.pl -cytoscape outputTable.txt
Running SIMA.pl with the "-cytoscape" option will
produce several output files:
These files can be loaded into Cytoscape in a similar
manner to that described for global interactions (see here). For example,
visualizing the example above should look something like

If SIMA was original run with multiple domains, you can
create cytoscape files specific to the domains of
interest by using the "-dname <domain name1>" and
"-dname2 <domain name2>" options.
Command Line options for SIMA.pl
Normal usage:
SIMA.pl <HIC directory> [options]
Output table is
sent to stdout
(See below for output visualization formatting)
Required Options:
-d <domain peak file> (Domains to perform analysis on)
-p <peak file1> [peak file2] ... (features to check
for enrichment)
-res <#> (resolution, default=2500)
-superRes <#> (super resolution/window size,
-minDist <#> (minimum interaction read distance,
default: 2x superRes)
-minDsize <#> (minimum domain size, default: 500000)
-min <#> (minimum distance between domains to test
significance, default=-1)
-max <#> (maximum distance, set to -1 to allow
inter-chr, default=1e9)
-chr <chromosome> (only analyze this chromosome,
default: all)
-p2 <peak file1> [peak file2] ... (heterogenous peak
-AvsA (All versus All, compare -p peaks against one another)
-N <#> (Number of randomizations per domain, default:
-cpu <#> (number of CPUs to use for analysis, default:
Visualization Formatting (Run SIMA first, then format the
Matrix Mode: Takes output and prints out a matrix for
SIMA.pl -matrix <SIMA output from analysis> [options]
Matrix Mode Options: (defaults to resolution of 200000,
output to stdout)
-stat <pvalue|ratio> (output stat for matrix mode,
default: ratio)
-pvalue <#> (p-value cutoff to report the ratio,
default: 0.01)
-minPeaks <#> (minimum number of peaks, default: none)
-res <#> (resolution of matrix, default=200000)
-p <peak file1> (features from initial analysis to
-p2 <peak file2> (features from initial analysis to
show, if used/different)
Cytoscape Mode: Takes output from single domain and prints
SIMA.pl -cytoscape <SIMA output from analysis>
(output to "cytoscape.filename.*" files)
-dname <name> (domain name to show)
-dname2 <name2> (domain name to show, if different)