HOMER2 extends the original HOMER software by
incorporating features that analyze how DNA motifs and other
sequence features exhibit positional enriched (or depletion)
within a set of sequences.
HOMER2 adds to HOMER's DNA motif and sequence analysis
capabilities in two new directions:
- First, HOMER2 expands the number of ways HOMER can
consider background or control sequences when
calculating DNA motif enrichment. Mainly, it can now
randomly select from the genome or generate synthetic
sequences that match positional k-mer content.
This means that if your DNA sequences are anchored on a
feature of interest, HOMER will attempt to account for
lower-order (i.e. dinucleotide) position-dependent
sequence bias that might be present in your sequences.
For example, if you have sequences centered on
transcription start sites (TSS), certain nucleotides are
likely to occur at certain positions, which may
artificially increase the chance a given DNA motif will
be recognized at that position. New background selection
methods help address this concern, and provide tools to
score the relative enrichment/depletion of motifs as a
function of the motifs position in such sequences.
- Second, HOMER2 incorporates tools to help assess if
DNA variants found at specific positions within a set of
sequences tend to either enhance or diminish the
predicted affinity of DNA motifs in association with a
specific phenotype. For example, given two strains of
mice and a set of TSSs that are specifically active in
one strain versus the other, the program will assess if
variants that enhance (or improve) the match for a given
DNA motif are associated with an active (or inactive)
HOMER2 and related tools are integrated into HOMER starting
with version v5. Please see the HOMER download/installation page
for detailed instructions. Note: Most of the HOMER2 routines
can work with BED/FASTA files and do not require the
download of HOMER annotation related packages.
Specific Tools in HOMER2
The following three sections describe useful tools that
are now part of HOMER2. One important note that applies to
all of these tools - the sequences you analyze must all
have the SAME LENGTH. The assumption
for positional enrichment is that all of your sequences
are anchored on some position or feature of interest such
that there is a relationship between nucleotide 1, 2, 3,
etc. across all of the input sequences.
background (basic tool to select or generate
background sequences for sequence analysis tasks like
motif enrichment)
(automate the creation of motif enrichment maps)
(analysis of variants)
MEPP - Motif Enrichment Positional Profiling [link]
In addition to the new routines in HOMER, you
may also want to check out MEPP, which
is a stand alone tool that scores motifs against a set of
scored sequences in a position-dependent manner. It also
creates a nifty motif heatmap to visualize motif density
across sequences in a position-dependent way.

homer2 background
This is a utility program that is used by other programs
within HOMER to generate the appropriate background
sequences for analysis. Some programs in HOMER, like findMotifsGenome.pl
and createHomer2EnrichmentTable.pl (below) use this
program internally. However, if you want full control over
how HOMER selects background sequences, you can use this
tool directly. Furthermore, if you would like to use HOMER
to generate background sequences for other applications or
for use with other tools and analysis, you may want to use
this tool directly as well.
background sequences in HOMER/HOMER2 - this page
contains a more detailed explanation of the homer2
background tool.
The basic idea is to select background sequences with
similar position-specific sequence properties relative to
your input/target sequences. Traditionally, HOMER only
normalizes for GC content on a per-sequence basis, which
helps control for the presence of sequences with extreme
levels of GC nucleotides which are typically found in CpG
Islands near vertebrate regulatory regions (e.g. promoters).
With HOMER2, not only will homer control for the overall
per-sequence GC%, it will also attempt to select (or model
sequences) that contain similar lower-order nucleotide
content (i.e. mononuclotides, dinucleotides, trinucleotides,
etc.) at each position.

Key inputs and parameters:
- Input sequences (either genomic positions or a FASTA
file, MUST be the same length)
- Genome or other FASTA file to select background
sequences from (technically optional as HOMER2 can
create synthetic background sequences if desired).
- k = length of k-mer at each position to match sequence
properties with (k=1 nucleotides, k=2 dinucleotides, k=3
trinucleotides, etc.)
Sample Data:
- tss.positions.200.txt
- HOMER-style peak file similar to BED that contains
regions centered on 155k TSS locations identified by
csRNA-seq in U2OS cells in human [hg38]). The "200"
refers to the fact that the regions are 200 bp long
(centered on the TSS). Unzip it with gunzip before using
- hg38.fa - you can download this directly from UCSC
using "wget
and then unzipping the file with gunzip.
Example: This program will take ~5min and use ~16Gb of
memory (if that is too much, try setting -NN 10000000 to
only use ~8Gb):
homer2 bg -p tss.positions.200.txt -g hg38.fa
-pkmer 2 -N 100000 -NN 100000000 -o output -allowTargetOverlaps
Output: The program will create several output files
starting with <prefix> (set with -o <prefix>, in
the case above it is 'output'):
- <prefix>.info.txt - reports the command
line options used and some basic information including
actual number of sequences in output background set and
the cumulative 'difference' or error in the background
sequence properties and the target set.
- <prefix>.bg.positions.bed - tab-delimited
BED format file with the genomic positions of all
selected sequences
- <prefix>.bg.sequences.fasta - FASTA
formatted file containing the selected background
- <prefix>.bg.stats.txt - table containing
the name of the background sequence, chromosome,
position (min regardless of strand), strand, weight
(1.0, not used), Profile Score (internal score, not
used), GC%, and the internal bin ID the background was
assigned from.
- <prefix>.bg.positions.bed, <prefix>.bg.sequences.fasta,
and <prefix>.target.stats.txt provide the
same information, but for the target sequences.
The output sequences can then be use as controls for DNA
motif finding, enrichment calculations, or other creative
Note - there is a LOT more that this program can do to
control how your background sequences are created. In
particular, you can also use it to model potential
background sequences instead of having them selected from
the genome. See the background page for more
homer2 background
-i <target sequences.fasta> [options]
background sequences that match properties in a set of
target sequences.
Target sequences you want to model:
-i <target sequences.fasta> (FASTA file)
-p <target positions.bed> (Alteratively, provide a BED
or HOMER peak file with genomic coordinates)
Background sequences to select from:
-model (generate sequences using a model, do not extract
real background sequences)
-g <genome.fasta> (genome FASTA file or seqeunce
resource to select sequences from)
-b <background sequences.fasta> (explicit set of
background sequences to choose from FASTA file)
-bg <background positions.bed> (explicit set of
background positions to choose from)
-bgr <background regions positions.bed> (regions of
the genome to select bg sequences from)
Key options:
-size <#> (size of regions to consider in background,
default: avg of length of target sequences)
-N <#> (number of background sequences to select,
default: 100000)
-NN <#> (number of background sequences initial screen
from genome, default: 100000000)
-mask (mask lowercase sequence i.e. softmasked sequence,
default: use all sequences)
-nbins <#> (number of bins to segregate sequences into
for GC selection, def: 10
-nsubBins <#> (number of bins to segregate sequences
into for positional frequencies, def: 10
-maxFractionN <#> (Maximum fraction of sequence that
can be N and still used, default: 0.5)
-allowTargetOverlaps (allow selected bg sequences from a
genome to overlap targets, def: not allowed)
-allowBgOverlaps (allow selected bg sequences from a genome
to overlap, def: not allowed)
-strand (allow sequences to overlap if on separate strands)
-pkmer <#> (match positional kmer content)
-ikmer <#> (match overall kmer content [position
-excludeNs/-includeNs (by default, kmers with Ns are
excluded when selecting bg sequences,
but included when generating sequences with -model)
-pscore <outputBEDfile> (Report initial pscores)
-maxIterations <#> (maximum iterations, def: 20)
-overlapIteration <#> (iteration to start enforcing no
overlaps, def: 5)
-decayRate <#> (selection rate per iteration, def:
-seed <#> (seed for random number generator, def: uses
-o <output prefix> (default: out)
-gs (include homer-style group and sequence output files)
Important: You input sequences
must be the same length!
This tool helps calculate enrichment/depletion maps to
better understand how specific DNA motifs are enriched in a
position-dependent manner within a set of sequences. It will
automatically call 'homer2 background' unless you
explicitly provide background sequences. It will scan motifs
across your target and background sequences and calculate
the position-specific enrichment for each motif at each
position. It can also perform other tasks, such as run de
novo motif finding in a position specific-fashion.

Key inputs and parameters:
- Input sequences (either genomic positions or a FASTA
file, MUST be the same length)
- Genome or other FASTA file to select background
sequences from (technically optional as HOMER2 can
create synthetic background sequences if desired).
- k = length of k-mer at each position to match sequence
properties with (k=1 nucleotides, k=2 dinucleotides, k=3
trinucleotides, etc.)
- HOMER motif(s) file to analyze
Resolution of analysis: By default it will analyze motif
enrichment at each position using a 3bp window, but this
can be customized using the -windows, -regions, and
-positions arguments.
Sample Data:
- tss.positions.200.txt
- Same as above, HOMER-style peak file similar to BED
that contains regions centered on 155k TSS locations
identified by csRNA-seq in U2OS cells in human [hg38]).
The "200" refers to the fact that the regions are 200 bp
long (centered on the TSS). Unzip it with gunzip before
using it.
- hg38.fa - Same as above, you can download this
directly from UCSC using "wget
and then unzipping the file with gunzip.
- selected.motifs
- HOMER-style motif file containing several commonly
found motifs near TSS.
Example: This program will take ~15min and use ~16Gb
of memory (if that is too much, try setting -NN 10000000 to
only use ~8Gb):
createHomer2EnrichmentTable.pl -o
outputDirectory/ -strand separate -m selected.motifs -p
tss.positions.200.txt -g hg38.fa -size 400 -windows 3
-pkmer 2 -allowTargetOverlap -allowBgOverlap
Output: The program will create (if it doesn't
already exist) a new output directory (specified by "-o
<outputDirectory>") with several files:
Note, the primary output file is summary.window3.logq.txt
which described the positional enrichment of each motif
(BH-corrected log10 q-values). These q-values are signed
in the sense that positive log q-values imply positive
enrichment, while negative q-values describe depletion of
the motif relative to background at that position.
- cmd.txt - command line parameters used for the
- homerBg.* - several output files corresponding
to the background selection that are generated by
'homer2 background' - see above.
- summary.windowN.logp.txt -
natural log p-values for all motifs at each
position evaluated with a given window size (default=3,
i.e. +/- 1 bp).
- summary.windowN.logq.txt - base 10 log
q-values (BH adjusted), and flipped.
- summary.bestIntervals.txt - Reports the
positions with the best enrichment and depletion
- summary.fourier.txt - power spectrum analysis
output for the interval [-120,-40] where we typically
observe helical preferences in motifs near mammalian
- allmotifs.logp.txt - long form table that
contains all of the enrichment data indexed by position
and window size
- For each TF analyzed there are also specific files
that contain motif frequencies per position, logp, etc.
If motifs are analyzed for each strand separately, the
negative strand motifs often contain the suffix "_2".
We often visualize the resulting summary.window3.logq.txt
file by clustering it (here using Cluster3.0/Java TreeView),
but there are many ways to look through and/or visualize the
data. The motifs with suffix _p vs. _n stand for + and -
strand matches to the motif.

Note - there are many other ways to run this program,
including checking for enrichment at different resolutions
and specifying different backgrounds.
createHomer2EnrichmentTable.pl [options]
-o <output directory> (required)
-strand <+|-|separate|both> (default, both)
-cpu <#> (number of CPUs to use, def: 56)
-cpu2 <#> (number of CPUs to per HOMER denovo
analysis, def: 30)
enrichment of known/given motifs:
-m <motif file>
Finding motifs de
-denovo (look for motifs)
-len <#> (length of motif to find, def: 10)
-S <#> (number of de novo motifs to find, def: 5)
-all (check all positions at all resolutions)
-regions <#,#> [#,#] ... (regions to search for
enriched motifs)
-windows <#>[,#,#,...] | -wstart <#>, -wend
<#>, -wstep <#> (size of enrichment region)
-positions <#>[,#,#,...] | -pstart <#>, -pend
<#>, -pstep <#> (location of enrichment region)
Target Sequences:
-p <peak/BED file> (i.e. tss positions)
-g <genome FASTA file>
-size <#> (resize regions to this size, -size #,# ok
to use)
-mask (use repeat masked sequences)
-maxN <#> (Maximum fraction of Ns in sequence to still
consider in analysis, default=0.5)
-tg <fasta file> (target sequences in FASTA format)
-offset <#> (offset of fasta sequences for reporting,
default: default)
-pkmer <#> (length of kmers to model sequence
properties with by position, default: 2)
-ikmer <#> (length of kmers to model sequence
properties with independent of postiion intsead)
-model (intead of using actual sequences, generate random
sequences matching the desired kmer content)
-nbins <#> (number of GC bins to stratify sequences
by, def: 10)
-nsubBins <#> (number of sub bins used to help
stratify kmer content, def: 10)
-allowTargetOverlap (allow background regions to overlap
target regions, by default not allowed)
-allowBgOverlap (allow background regions to overlap with
other background regions, by default not allowed)
-N <#> (number of random sequences, def: same as
target sequence set)
-NN <#> (number of initial sequences to extract from
genome for selection, def: 100000000)
-or- (these options will be used 'as is' and not normalized)
-bg <fasta file> (background sequences in FASTA
-bgp <peak/BED file> (background positions)
Other options:
-fourierRange <#>,<#> (region to calculate
frequency spectrum on, defaut: -120,-40)
-calcSeqProperties (calculate sequence nucletodie pattern
-enrichment values are returned as natural log p values,
where '+' values indicate depletion
This program attempts to associate single nucleotide
variants (SNVs) found in the context of transcription factor
binding sites to changes in the activity of nearby
transcription initiation sites. For a given TF motif found
at a specific interval away from a set of regulated features
(e.g. TSSs), it will calculate the distribution of changes
in motif log-odds scores associated with increased activity.
The null hypothesis is that a give TF has no impact on
transcription regulation, such that we expect changes in
motif scores to be ~zero. Of course, there are many biases
in the data that make this expectation false, which this
program attempts to address which is uses to build an
'expected' distribution in motif changes. The program then
uses a non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test to calculate a
significance score, which is subsequently adjusted for
multiple hypothesis testing (BH-corrected).
There are many ways to run this program, but at its core it
wants 4 files/pieces of information:
- Genome or other FASTA file to extract sequences from.
- HOMER motif(s) file to analyze
- Features file that specifies the positions of the
anchor features (i.e. TSS positions) used in the
- QTL file that specifies the location of variants along
with information about how they relate to nearby
features (i.e. are they associated with an active or
repressive phenotype).
In practice, depending on what you're doing, it's best to
think about how you can create a "Features" and "QTL" file
for use with the program. There are ways to use a VCF
along with regulated feature files below, but since that
doesn't fit all situations, you may need to parse your
data to work within the "Features" and "QTL" files
described here:
Features File: This one is pretty simple, it should
look like a tab-delimited HOMER peak file (more or less
a bed file with column 1 being a unique identifier for
the feature):
chr start
end strand
46832095 -
chr4 8911871 8911871 -
148487278 +
QTL File: This is more complicated. The first column
should show the variant (encoded by
chr_position_ref_alt), the featureID (or phenotype_id),
the relative distance of the feature, and then columns
specifying information about the number of samples with
the variant, total samples in the analysis, MAF of the
variant, the p-value (if it a proper QTL analysis), and
the slope. The slope is
IMPORTANT - this specifies whether the variant is
positively or negatively associated with the feature,
and should be either a positive(+) or negative(-) value.
The other parameters and relative value of the slope are
not important, other than the program offers some
control over filtering the table based on these values
if they are present (i.e. if you want to run the
analysis using only variant/qtls with specific scores).
maf pvalue slope
NA 1
-236 NA
NA -1
NA -1
pacifierHomer2.pl will also parse a VCF file to
generate these files for you. For this you will need to
the VCF file, and then two feature files (i.e. centered
on TSS positions of interest) that represent features
specifically active in the reference and features
specifically active in the alternates. For example, in
this example we are comparing C57Bl/6 and SPRET mice
(two different strains), so we provide a VCF file that
contains the SPRET variants (C57Bl/6 is the reference),
and then two files containing the positions of the TSS
that are more active in C57 and one with positions of
TSS that are more active in SPRET. After the program is
done running, there will be two files in the output
folder called "qtlFeatures.tsv" and "qtls.tsv" which
represent the two needed files above and can be used for
subsequent analyses to speed things up (since the
program won't need to match up TSS and variants again).
Example using a VCF
(big file) and two regulation files (tss.UpC57.txt,
pacifierHomer2.pl -g1 genomes/mm10.fa -vcf
-p1 tss.UpC57.txt -p2 tss.UpSPRET.txt -start -200 -end
200 -step 10 -window 30 -m selected.motifs -o
outputDirectory -snvOnly
Files to easily run the program again will be in outputDirectory/qtlFeatures.tsv
and outputDirectory/qtls.tsv
Sample Data:
- mm10.fa - Similar to above, you can download this
directly from UCSC using "wget
and then unzipping the file with gunzip.
- selected.motifs
- HOMER-style motif file containing several commonly
found motifs near TSS.
- qtls.tsv
- QTL file based on C57 and SPRET strain-specific TSS
found in mouse macrophages
- qtlFeatures.tsv -
Features file corresponding to the qtls.tsv file above.
Example: This program will take ~2 hr and use ~1.5Gb
memory per CPU (parallelization works at the level of motifs
- each will get it's own process):
pacifierHomer2.pl -g1 mm10.fa -qtl
qtls.tsv -peaks qtlFeatures.tsv -m selected.motifs -o
Output: The program will create (if it doesn't
already exist) a new output directory (specified by "-o
<outputDirectory>") with several files:
Note, the primary output file is fdr.table.txt
which described the positional enrichment of each motif
(BH-corrected log10 q-values). These q-values are signed
in the sense that positive log q-values imply that
mutations that strengthen the motif are associated with
activation (positive phenotypes), while negative log
q-values describe imply mutations that strengthen the
motif match are associated with repression (negative
- log.txt - command line parameters used for the
analysis, along with some other parameters and filtering
- logp.table.txt - log10 p-values for
all motifs at each position evaluated scored against the
expected background.
- logp0.table.txt - log10 p-values for
all motifs at each position evaluated scored against the
expectation that the change in motif scores should be
- fdr.table.txt - log10
q-values for all motifs at each position evaluated
scored against the expected background (BH-corrected).
- fdr0.table.txt - log10 q-values for
all motifs at each position evaluated scored against the
expectation that the change in motif scores should be
zero (BH-corrected).
- scoreDiff.table.txt - Average difference in
motif log odds score for each motif at each position.
- stats.tfs.txt - long form table that records
the analysis results of each motif across each interval,
reporting p-values, motif score differences, number of
sites, etc.
- variantSummary.tsv - counts for each SNV change
at each position in the data set (i.e. number of A->C
changes at position -24).
- mutatedSites.txt - table of all mutated
motifs, including positions, scores, sequences, etc.
- TF specific folders: Each TF will have it's own
folder with motif specific information that is also
summarized in the files above.
We often visualize the resulting summary.window3.logq.txt
file by clustering it like in the example above:

If you are wondering why the name starts with pacifier...
this came about because the program was originally a wrapper
for running Maggie,
which is where the program borrowed its strategy for
variant/motif/phenotype association testing.
pacifierHomer2.pl usage:
<genotype/phenotype/size inputs> <-m motifFile>
If using two
genomes linked with liftOver files:
-g1 <genome fasta file for 1st strain>
-g2 <genome fasta file for 2nd strain>
-liftOver <1st to 2nd genome liftOver file, unzipped>
-p1 <regions with specific phenotype to 1st strain
(coord. based on genome1)>
-p2 <regions with specific phenotype in 2nd strain
(coord. also based on genome1)>
-allowN (by default, homolgous regions with different number
of Ns are discarded)
If using VCF file
and peak files with regions of interest:
-g1 <genome fasta file for genome>
-vcf <vcf file with variants>
(filters, column specification?)
-p1 <regions with specific phenotype for reference
-p2 <regions with specific phenotype in alternate
If using QTL file
and peak files with regions of interest:
-g1 <genome fasta file for genome>
-qtl <QTL mapping file>
-pvalueThreshold <#> (default: 1)
-absSlopeMin <#> (default: -1e+100)
-mafThreshold <#> (default: 0.05)
-flipScore (treat negative scores as 'up' in the Alternate
-peaks <QTL feature position - peak/BED file>
--- General
Options ---
distance size intervals to analyze:
-size <#,#> [#,#] [#,#] (region(s) to analyze)
-start <#> (default: -150)
-end <#> (default: 150)
-step <#> (default: 10)
-window <#> (default: 30)
Motif options:
-m <motif(s)> (required, analyzed sequences must
contain this motif)
-adjustMotifThreshold <#> (change all motif logodds
thresholds by this)
Varients to
consider (vcf/qtl analysis only, won't work with liftOver
-snvOnly | -allVariants (do not consider indels, default, or
consider everything [may not work will all options])
-indelsOnly (only consider indels, not snvs)
-subset (only consider these variants)
-o <output directory> (required)
Other options:
-strand <.|+|-> (default, "." for both)
-cpu <#cpus> (number of CPUs/threads for interval
analysis, def: 56)
-p <#cpus> (number of CPUs per interval i.e. number of
motifs to analyze in parallel, def: 10)
-pp <#cpus> (number of CPUs for sequence generation,
liftover, def: 50)
-gwas <gwasCatalog.txt> (will annotate variant results
associated with GWAS hits)
-mask (use repeatmasked sequences for analysis)
-randomize (Randomize variant assignments to features)
-motifOrder <#> (when randomizing motif, 0(def)=swap
columsn, 1=try to preserve dinuc, 2=trinuc)
-markov <#> (Markov order for randomization, add an i
for position independent model e.g. "-markov 2i", def: 1)
-rps <#> (randomizations per sequence, default: 5)
-loadExistingRandomizations <filename> (skip model
generation and randomization)