HOMERSoftware for motif discovery and next-gen sequencing analysis |
Miscellaneous Tools for Sharing DataHOMER contains several utility programs for changing file formats and performing tasks that you may find useful from time to time. Below are a list of programs that may come in handy.Outputing Tag Directory as a BED file (tagDir2bed.pl):This is useful when you want to
share your sequencing with others as BED format is about the most
general format there is out there.
<tag directory> > output.alignment.file.bed
This will produce a large BED file that can be used to import the data
to other programs.i.e. tagDir2bed.pl Macrophage-PU.1-ChipSeq/ > mac.pu1.bed Coverting between HOMER peak and BED file formats (pos2bed.pl / bed2pos.pl):Want to load HOMER peaks into the
genome browser? Or use them with other software?
Covert a HOMER peak/position file to a BED file: pos2bed.pl
<peak file> > output.bed
Covert a BED file to a HOMER peak/position file: bed2pos.pl
<BED file> > output.peakfile.txt
Can't figure something out? Questions, comments, concerns, or other feedback: cbenner@salk.edu |