Installation Guide:
Basic requirements
Homer is computationally
intensive collection of programs. The following are
minimum hardware requirements for running promoter
analysis (ChIP-Seq in parenthesis).
- Unix-style operating system (UNIX/LINUX/Mac/Cygwin)
- 1 Gb of RAM (4+ Gb)
- 1 Gb of Hard Drive Space (>10Gb)
While running Homer is
designed to be as simple as possible, some basic knowledge
of UNIX commands is required. If you are new to
UNIX, try googling "UNIX tutorial" for a more formal
Required UNIX tools (fairly standard) and recommended
NGS software
The following UNIX utilities are required to use
HOMER. You might need to run your UNIX package
manager to install them if missing (i.e. "sudo apt-get
install wget"):
- gcc
- g++
- make
- perl
- zip/unzip
- gzip/gunzip
- wget
The following NGS tools may be required to perform
certain analyses and are highly highly recommended:
- samtools
- R (with Bioconductor packages DESeq2, edgeR)
HOMER no longer requires ghostscript and weblogo
To make things easy, it's recommended to use
Anaconda/Bioconda to manage NGS software
installations. Anaconda is a package manager that
works well for individual users on max/linux systems.
HOMER isn't part of bioconda (partially due to its
unorthodox code base/organization, although there is a
HOMER package that may or may not work), but regardless,
bioconda can help install the required packages and
other NGS software even if HOMER itself must be
installed manually.
Step 1: Install Anaconda from here (Python3):
Install Bioconda from instructions here: https://bioconda.github.io/
Step 2: Run the following: conda install wget
samtools r-essentials bioconductor-deseq2
Now you're ready to install HOMER with in the install
script below.
Homer is a collection of perl and c++ programs
designed for execution in a UNIX environment. Any
Unix/Linux or Mac OS X system should have no trouble
running Homer. Homer may also be run on Windows
using Cygwin Linux emulation software. The
following basic software must be available on your
- perl
- GNU make utility
- GCC C/C++ compiler
- wget (useful Unix utility)
- Basic utilities such as
Also, it's becoming more and more command for
Linux distributions not to ship with basic developer
tools (i.e. Ubuntu). If you run linux and have
trouble with the initial setup, try " sudo yum install
build-essential" for debian systems (i.e. ubuntu) or
'yum groupinstall "Development Tools"' for redhat (i.e.
fedora, centos) systems to install the core developer
Mac OS X
If you are running Mac OS X, you will need to
install "Xcode" from Apple if not done so
already. During the installation process, be sure
to include "Command Line Tools" when prompted (you can
also install these later from the Xcode
In addition, Mac users should install "wget". The
easiest way to get it is as part of Anaconda (see above). Alternatively you can
get it from mac ports (http://wget.darwinports.com/)
or at http://www.statusq.org/archives/2008/07/30/1954/.
Windows (Cygwin or VirtualBox)
If you are running Windows, you have two
choices. In the past I would have suggested that
you install Cygwin,
which is a Linux emulator for Windows. However,
another attractive option is to run Linux as a virtual
machine using software such as VirtualBox.
Using software such as VirtualBox you can install a copy
of Linux that will run virtually along side Windows, or
you can even download an image of a Linux
installation. If you use this option and get a
working version of Linux running, you can simply follow
the instructions for Linux. If you still prefer
Cygwin, follow these steps for installing Cygwin:
- Download the cygwin install program from http://www.cygwin.com/
- Run the install program, and when prompted to
choose which packages to install, make sure to
install the following:
- gcc-core (in Devel)
- gcc-g++ (in Devel)
- make (in Devel)
- perl (in Perl)
- zip (in Archive)
- unzip (in Archive)
- wget (in Web)
- libncurses (in libs) for samtools
- zlib (in libs) for samtools
- zlib-devel (in libs) for samtools
- mingw64 (in Devel, for
pthread support, but doesn't look like it's needed
Tips for compiling samtools on Cygwin: http://azaleasays.com/2014/09/29/install-samtools-in-cygwin/
Installing the basic HOMER software
HOMER will be installed in
the same directory that you place the configureHomer.pl
program. configureHomer.pl
will attempt to check for required utilities and alert you
to missing programs.
- For the latest version of Homer, go to
- Download the "configureHomer.pl"
script and place it in a directory where you would like
homer to be installed (i.e. /home/chucknorris/homer/).
- Run the configureHomer.pl script to install homer.
- i.e. perl
/Users/chucknorris/homer/configureHomer.pl -install
- NOTE: Cygwin users may
need to rename the files in homer/bin/ to remove the
"*.exe" (i.e. "homer.exe" to "homer")
- NOTE: If running SunOS
or other proprietary UNIX environments, you may need
to add the option "-sun" so that "gmake" is used
instead of "make".
- Add the homer/bin directory to your executable
path. For example, edit your ~/.bash_profile file
to include the line:
- PATH=$PATH:/Users/chucknorris/homer/bin/
- NOTE: Cygwin users may need to use a different
format: PATH=/Users/chucknorris/homer/bin:${PATH}
- NOTE: Cygwin users, if having trouble, may also need
to set windows
path variables
- NOTE: If using Mac OS X, the ~/.bash_profile file is
hidden in Finder. To edit type "open -a TextEdit
~/.bash_profile" at the command line.
- NOTE: If ~/.bash_profile doesn't exist in your mac,
create a new file in your home directory, place the
PATH=... line in it, and them rename the file using
the command-line prompt: "mv newfilename ~/.bash_profile"
- Reset your terminal so that the changes to the PATH
variable take effect
You should now be able to
execute programs in the homer/bin directory by just typing
their name.
Downloading Homer Packages
The basic Homer installation
does not contain any sequence data. To download
sequences for use with homer, use the configureHomer.pl
script. To get a list of available packages:
perl /path-to-homer/configureHomer.pl
To install packages, simply
use the -install option and the name(s) of the package(s).
perl /path-to-homer/configureHomer.pl -install
mouse (to download the mouse promoter set)
perl /path-to-homer/configureHomer.pl -install
mm8 (to download the mm8
version of the mouse genome)
perl /path-to-homer/configureHomer.pl -install
hg19 (to download the hg19 version
of the human genome)
Additional information on configuring or customizing
HOMER, go here.
Updating Homer
To update Homer, simply
perl /path-to-homer/configureHomer.pl -update
Or, alternatively you can simply force the reinstallation
of the basic software...
perl /path-to-homer/configureHomer.pl -install
Homer will automatically check which packages are out of
date and replace them.
When in trouble, and nothing seems to be working
correctly, either:
- Delete the homer directory and start over!
- Drop me a line (cbenner@ucsd.edu) so I can fix the
problem, since there is a good chance it's a problem
with the software.
- You could try Chuck, but I'm not responsible for any
bodily harm.
Installing Old Packages
Older packages can be installed using the
configureHomer.pl script using the "-version
<version>" option. For example, to
install the v4.8 of HOMER software:
perl configureHomer.pl -install homer -version
Older versions of software and annotation don't always
play nicely with the most up-to-date versions, so be
Notes on installing Homer on shared/multiuser hosts
Unfortunately, HOMER was originally designed to be used
by a single user, and hasn't yet been fulling updated to
behave perfectly in a multiuser environment. It is
possible to place it on a shared system, but it is
recommended you place it in an area that is "group
writable" so that users can modify the configuration and
load their own organisms.
It is also possible to run HOMER without allowing
individual users write permissions on most HOMER
directories, however, directories located in
data/genomes/*/preparsed/ should still be group writable
since this is where general files for motif analysis
will be stored after first use to speed up motif
discovery analysis. As of HOMER v4.4, the software
will set permissions on this directory to 775.
Alternatively, users can specify "-preparsedDir
<directory> " while running findMotifsGenome.pl
to store the files locally.
3rd Party Software
HOMER no longer requires
Ghostscript, Weblogo, or blat. However, it is highly
recommended that samtools and R (along with DESeq2 and
edgeR) are installed to take advantage of various NGS
analysis routines in HOMER.
Installing samtools
Option 1: Use Anaconda/Bioconda to install
samtools - see above.
Recommended, particularly if you don't have super-user
access. This is also a great way to install R.
Option 2: Depending on your Linux
distribution, you can use a standard package manager
to install samtools:
(Debian/Ubuntu): sudo apt-get install
(Redhat/CentOS): sudo yum install samtools
Option 3: Download and install samtools directly
from the source:
a.) Download samtools from http://sourceforge.net/projects/samtools/files/
b.) Unzip
and expand the file with "bunzip2
samtools-xyz.tar.bz2" followed by "tar xvf
Change directories into the samtools-xyz folder, and
then type "make"
d.) Add
base samtools directory to your executable path
i.e. edit your ~/.bash_profile
file to include:
Installing R/Bioconductor and Packages DESeq2 and
Option 1: Use Anaconda/Bioconda to install R
along with DESeq2 and EdgeR - see
above. Recommended, particularly if you don't
have super-user access.
Option 2: Depending on your Linux
distribution, you can use a standard package manager
to install samtools. Generally this option is not
recommended because the version of R in the
repositories is usually fairly old:
(Debian/Ubuntu): sudo
apt-get install r-base r-base-dev
(Redhat/CentOS): sudo yum install r-base r-base-dev
Then run R to install Bioconductor/DESeq2/EdgeR
(see below)
Option 3: Download and install R directly from
the source: http://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu/
Follow the instructions to install R
depending on your system.
If you picked option 2 or 3, now you'll need to
run R to install DESeq2 and EdgeR:
Run R by typing "R". You may want to
run this as super-user if installing for multiple
users (i.e. "sudo R"). At the R prompt (should
see a ">"), type the following commands:
> source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
> biocLite()
> biocLite("DESeq2")
> biocLite("edgeR")
> q()
If you're having touble here, it might be because your
version of R is too old. Consider using option 3
and get the latest stable version.
Legacy Software for sequence
logos (no longer required):
Homer uses WebLogo
(Crooks et al.) to visualize motifs graphically.
The WebLogo software uses Ghostscript to generate
image files, so both must be installed to successfully
create sequence logos. In addition, BLAT (Kent
et al.) is used for certain specialized ChIP-Seq
analysis, where it can be used to remove redundant
sequences during the analysis (not necessary for 99%
of users to install). samtools is another very
useful program that is recommended if doing next-gen
sequencing analysis. New versions of HOMER also
make use of specialized routines in the statistical
computing environment R and visualization software
Circos for Hi-C analysis.
1.) Download and
Install Ghostscript
a.) Download
the appropriate file from http://www.ghostscript.com/download/gsdnld.html
(AGPL Ghostscript)
b.) Unzip and
Untar the file (if using the source version)
tar zxvf
c.) Change to
the base ghostscript directory
cd ghostscript-xxx
d.) Run the
following commands to install ghost script
(if you do not have root access, you
will need to specify a directory that you have access to
when you run the configure script) i.e.
(you may also want to add the
ghostscript bin/ directory to your ~/.bash_profile file
to make sure the "gs" program is
2.) Download and Install Weblogo
(version 2.8.2 - Does NOT work with
version 3.0!!!!)
a.) Download
the program from http://weblogo.berkeley.edu/
b.) No
additional steps needed to compile and install the
program, except...
c.) Need to
add the weblogo base directory to your executable path
i.e. edit your ~/.bash_profile
file to include:
3.) Download and Install blat (this
is used to check for redundant input sequences)
a.) Download
the blat program from http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/
You may also want
to download the liftOver and bedGraphToBigWig tools
b.) Unzip the
file if needed and compile (if you downloaded the source
c.) You may
need to make the command(s) executable. Type: "chmod 755
d.) Add base
blat directory to your executable path
i.e. edit your ~/.bash_profile
file to include:
4.) Download and
Install samtools (this will help you work with sam and
bam formatted files)
a.) Download
samtools from http://sourceforge.net/projects/samtools/files/
b.) Unzip and
expand the file with "bunzip2 samtools-xyz.tar.bz2"
followed by "tar xvf samtools-xyc.tar"
c.) Change
directories into the samtools-xyz folder, and then type
d.) Add base
samtools directory to your executable path
i.e. edit your ~/.bash_profile
file to include:
The commands gs, seqlogo, blat, and samtools should
now work from the command line (if they don't and you
think they should, remember to type: source ~/.bash_profile)