Sub-nuclear Compartment Analysis (PCA/Clustering)
Hi-C data is very complex, and it's interpretation is not
trivial. One strategy is to look for general patterns
in an unbiased way. This section covers the
application two general strategies, Principal Component
Analysis and hierarchical clustering. Generally speaking,
analysis of Hi-C data using these techniques tend to reveal
the genome is spatially segregation in two compartments
harboring "active" and "inactive" chromatin.
Principal Component Analysis of Hi-C Data
PCA is a powerful technique for analyzing high
dimensional data, and first used on Hi-C data by Lieberman-Aiden
et al. The basic idea behind PCA is to
redefine the coordinate system such the data can be
"described" with as few dimensions as possible (a type of
clustering or dimensionality reduction). This axes
of the coordinate system are referred to as the principle
components, and the "1st" component is found such that it
can be used to describe or discriminate as much of the
system as possible, with the "2nd" component describing as
much of the remaining variance as possible, and so
on. We can then consider each region with respect to
their values along the first couple principal components
to get a simplified view of the data.
To perform PCA on Hi-C data, we apply it to the normalized
interaction matrix. In this setting, each region along the
chromosome represents a dimension in the analysis.
Normally, PCA is applied to full chromosome matrices to
identify important features. You could apply PCA to
the entire genome interaction matrix, but sparse
interactions between chromosomes may introduce
noise. You can also apply PCA to a small region,
although the conclusions from such an analysis are less
general with respect to general chromosome structure.
To perform PCA analysis with HOMER, use the program runHiCpca.pl.
Below is an example:
runHiCpca.pl <outputPrefix> <HiC
Tag Directory> [options]
example: runHiCpca.pl pcaOut ES-HiC/ -res 50000 -cpu
4 -genome mm9
This command will produce two output files: *.PC1.txt and
*.PC1.bedGraph (i.e. pcaOut.PC1.bedGraph). The
bedGraph file can be directly uploaded to UCSC and
represents the coordinates of each region with respect to
the first two principle components. The txt file
contains the same information in peak file format.
Below is an example of the output on chr17:

Usually the values for the first principal component (PC1)
are the most informative. These indicate the
classification of each region of the chromosome with
respect to the first component. Normally, gene-rich
regions with 'active' chromatin marks have similar PC1
values, while gene deserts tend to have the
opposite. You can also view additional principal
components by changing the "-pc <#>"
option. The 2nd component (PC2) usually describes
the the location along the chromosome (e.g. near telomere
vs. centromere, or different chromosome arms). The
PC2 values tend look a lot like the PC1 values but usually
"flip" along the length of the chromosome. Their
similarity is partly due to the fact that they are
mathematically linked - Each principal component must be
orthogonal to one another, so unless the first PC1
perfectly describes a feature of the data, other PCs might
reflect the feature as well. In the example below,
PC1 and PC2 values are more similar for the first 40 Mb,
and then they tend to be more opposite for the rest of the

In general, this analysis tends to highlight the fact that
the genome can be divided into two compartments, creating
a "checkerboard" pattern, with positive PC1 regions
reflecting "active/permissive" chromatin and negative PC1
regions indicative of "inactive/inert" chromatin

What does runHiCpca.pl do:
runHiCpca.pl is a wrapper script that
will perform PCA analysis on each chromosome
individually and combine all the results. Below
are each of the steps:
1. Check for the appropriate background model, create it
if necessary.
2. For each chromosome:
- Generate normalized interaction matrix (analyzeHiC)
- Calculate correlation between the contact profiles
from each region against each other region
- Using R,
compute the principal components from the correlation
- Output the values of reach region with respect to
the first two principal components
3. If "seed" regions are provided, HOMER checks the
overlap between active (and/or inactive) regions to
decide if the coordinates should be multiplied by -1 to
flip the signs. HOMER will try to make it so
regions in "active" zones are positive. If no seed
regions are used, but a genome is specified, HOMER will
look for overlap with TSS to assign "active" vs.
4. Concatenate results from all chromosomes, format, and
print the output
runHiCpca.pl Options:
-pc <#> : Number of principal
components to return (default: 1).
-res <#> : resolution of analysis (if it's
too small, the program may take too long or use up too
much memory). A resolution of 25000 is about the
limit for mammalian genomes, unless your computer is
ridiculous... The sequencing depth and quality of an
experiment may dictate which resolutions are
possible. If the PC1 values are very noisy you may
need to increase the resolution size. Default: 50000
-superRes <#> : window size of analysis,
should be equal to or larger than -res. Default:
-active <peak/BED file> : seed regions of
"active" chromatin to use when assessing the proper sign
of the PC1 results.
-inactive <peak/BED file> : seed regions of
"inactive" chromatin to use when assessing the proper
sign of the PC1 results.
-genome <genome> : If no seed regions
are given, HOMER will get the TSS locations and treat
them as "active" seeds.
-corrDepth <#> : Minimum number of expected
reads per region to use when computing correlation
(pools adjacent regions), default: 3
-std <#> : exclude regions with sequencing
depth exceeding # std deviations, default: 4. The
idea here is to remove regions that may throw off the
PCA calculation
-min <#> : exclude regions with sequencing
depth less than this fraction of mean, default:
0.15. The idea is to get rid of regions with low
coverage that don't behave as well during the PCA
-rpath <path to R executable> : If "R" is
not available through the $PATH variable (i.e. can't
just type "R" to run R)
-cpu <#> : number of CPUs to use.
Memory consumption is also higher with more CPUs (work
separated by chromosome). Please note that if
multiple CPUs are configured, the screen output will
spew all over the place - just ignore it...
Directly Comparing Two Hi-C Experiments
PCA analysis is a useful tool for analyzing single Hi-C
experiments. However, comparing PC1 values between
two experiments is a little dangerous. PCA is an
unbiased analysis of data, and while PC1 values usually
correlated with "active" vs. "inactive" compartments,
the precise qualitative nature of this association may
differ slightly between experiments. Because of
this, it is recommended to directly compare the
interaction profiles between experiments rather than
simply looking at PC1 values.
One way to do this is to directly correlate the
interaction profile of a locus in one experiment to the
interaction profile of that same locus in another
experiment. If the locus tends to interact with
similar regions in both Hi-C experiments, the
correlation will be high. If the locus interacts
with different regions in the two experiments, the
correlation will be low. Note that this is NOT PCA
analysis, cut a direct comparison between two
experiments at each locus. By default, this will
compare the interaction profiles across each chromosomes
(interchromosomal interactions are generally too sparse
for this type of analysis)
To calculate the "correlation difference" between two
experiments, use the getHiCcorrDiff.pl.
Below is how it's used:
getHiCcorrDiff.pl <outputPrefix> <HiC Tag
Directory1> <HiC Tag Directory2> [options]
example: getHiCcorrDiff.pl out ES-HiC Bcell-HiC
-cpu 8 -res 50000
This program will produce two output files, much like runHiCpca.pl.
One is a bedGraph what can be loaded into the UCSC
Genome Browser as a custom track. The other is a
peak file with the correlation information in the 6th
column. Below is an example of the corrDiff output
loaded with the PC1 values from two experiments:

Additional Options for getHiCcorrDiff.pl:
-res <#> : resolution of
analysis (if it's too small, the program may take too
long or use up too much memory). A resolution of
25000 is about the limit for mammalian genomes, unless
your computer is ridiculous... The sequencing depth and
quality of an experiment may dictate which resolutions
are possible. If the values are very noisy you may
need to increase the resolution size. Default: 50000.
-superRes <#> : window size of analysis,
should be equal to or larger than -res. Default:
-corrDepth <#> : Minimum number of expected
reads per region to use when computing correlation
(pools adjacent regions), default: 3
-std <#> : exclude regions with sequencing
depth exceeding # std deviations, default: 4. The
idea here is to remove regions that may throw off the
PCA calculation
-min <#> : exclude regions with sequencing
depth less than this fraction of mean, default:
0.15. The idea is to get rid of regions with low
coverage that don't behave as well during the PCA
-maxDist <#> : By default,
getHiCcorrDiff.pl compares each locus by looking at it's
contact profile across the whole chromosome.
Setting this option will limit the profile comparison to
the region +/- this distance from the locus (sort of
like a 'local' correlation)
-cpu <#> : number of CPUs to use.
Memory consumption is also higher with more CPUs (work
separated by chromosome). Please note that if
multiple CPUs are configured, the screen output will
spew all over the place - just ignore it...
Downstream PC1 analysis
There are several ways to use HOMER to analyze
PC1 values (or corrDiff values) with respect to other
data. Some are very general ways to manipulate
bedGraphs, while others are very specialized to PC1 values
(i.e. getDomains.pl).
Histograms/Quantifying PC1 values at genomic features
You can make histograms of PC1 values around areas of
interest by using annotatePeaks.pl and the "-bedGraph"
option. Lets say you'd like to see the
distribution of PC1 values around TSS. (alternatively
you could look at PC1 values near ChIP-Seq peaks or
other features) Using the command below:
annotatePeaks.pl tss mm9 -size 1000000 -hist
1000 -bedGraph exp1.PC1.bedGraph exp2.PC1.bedGraph
> output.histogram.txt
Opening the histogram output in Excel and graphing
the "coverage" columns:

You can also omit the "-hist <#>" option
and adjust the size from the annotatePeaks.pl
command, and annotatePeaks.pl will instead
quantify the PC1 values at each locus, which can be
useful for classifying which TSS are in the
'active/permissive' compartment vs. which TSS are in
the 'inactive/inert' compartment:
annotatePeaks.pl tss mm9 -size 1000 -bedGraph
exp1.PC1.bedGraph exp2.PC1.bedGraph >
Opening this file with Excel:
Plotting the bedGraph data columns as a scatter plot:

This file can also be used to figure out which
individual TSS are changing the most, etc.
Similar operations could be performed on ChIP-Seq
peaks or other features of interest.
Finding PC1 Based Compartments
Regions of continuous positive or negative PC1 values
set the stage for identifying "compartments", in this
case referring to linear regions of DNA that are in
the "active/permissive" or "inactive/inert"
compartments. (This is a little different than
the concept of topological domains reported in
et al., which are more of a local phenomenon
instead of a compartment association). A custom
tool is available in HOMER to help with this task
named findHiCCompartments.pl.
Unlike the annotatePeaks.pl command avoid, findHiCCompartments.pl
works on the *.PC1.txt files that are produced by runHiCpca.pl,
not the *.PC1.bedGraph files.
To identify compartments, run the command:
findHiCCompartments.pl exp1.PC1.txt >
By default, this command will identify all regions
that have a continuous positive PC1 value. The
output is a peak file that contains each of these
regions, their average PC1 value across the region,
and their length in the 6th and 7th columns,
respectively. To adjust the threshold used to
call compartments, use the "-thresh <#>"
option. To identify regions with negative PC1
values, add the "-opp" option to the
command. Also, if you prefer to return
compartments as the original sub-peaks (instead of
stitching them together into a single, long peak), add
the "-peaks" option.
Differential Compartments (i.e. Flipping)
The findHiCCompartments.pl command also has
some built in support for identifying regions that
change their compartment between experiments.
Two sources of information can be used to identify
changes: the PC1 values from a second Hi-C
experiment, and/or the correlation difference (i.e.
getHiCcorrDiff.pl output) between two
experiments. If both options are used, the
identified regions must pass both criterion.
-bg <PC1.txt file> : specify a
background experiment's PC1 results.
-diff <#> : minimum difference
between PC1 values to define region as different,
default: 50
-corr <corrDiff.txt file> : specify
a correlation difference file
-corrDiff <#> : maximum correlation
for a region to be defined as different, default:
Below is an example of these files uploaded to the
UCSC Genome Browser. NOTE: If UCSC complains that
you chromsome coordinates exceed the end of the
chromosome (could happen due to the resolution), run
the command "removeOutOfBoundsReads.pl
compartments.txt <genome> > compartments.new.txt"
to adjust the coordinates at the end of the
Clustering Regions Based on their Interactions
HOMER also offers more "direct" ways to group regions
(most of these are experimental). For now, it's
recommended you stick to the PCA analysis from above,
however, there may be situations where the routines
below are more useful.
analyzeHiC has two types of clustering
routines to help identify sets of regions that are
"related" in 3D-space. They are:
-cluster : Clustering of regions
regardless of genomic locations (pure clustering based
on interaction frequency)
-clusterFixed :
Clustering of regions based on adjacent, linear, regions
on the chromosome (for finding "linear domains")
The clustering is performed as hierarchical clustering,
and the output is stored in files " out.cdt" and
" out.gtr".
can use Java
Tree View to open the "out.cdt" file and view the
clustering result. From there you can select your
own clusters if you like. Selection of " -corr",
" -logp" or " -simpleNorm" etc.
during the command will cause those values to be used in
the clustering instead of the default (" -norm").
To name the clustering output something other than "out",
use " -o <filename>",
which will use <filename> as the prefix for the
clustering files instead of "out".
Example of -cluster
As an example, lets try
clustering the normalized matrix of chr1 at 1 Mb
resolution. Using the command:
analyzeHiC ES-HiC/ -chr chr1 -res 1000000
-cluster > outputmatrix.txt
This produces several
files, named out.cdt and out.gtr (and outputmatrix.txt,
which we'll ignore). Opening out.cdt with Java
Tree View will give us:
In this example, we allow "free clustering", and the
algorithm will group together loci that are considered
"close together" - in this case, loci whose interaction
profiles have high interaction log2 ratios. As you
can see, there are essentially two groups. To
visualize which regions are in the groups, highlight the
sub-tree of interest, and then export the list (under
Export->Save List in Java Tree View). HOMER
contains a tool called cluster2bed.pl to allow you to
visualize these clusters in the genome browser.
Run the following command on the saved list file (be
default this is called "out_list.txt"):
<cluster list> <#resolution> [# minimum
to cluster size to keep] > out2.bed
i.e. cluster2bed.pl
out_list.txt 1000000 > out.bed
You can now upload the output file to the UCSC genome
browser. The 3rd option in the cluster2bed.pl
command is optional, which will remove clusters
containing only a couple regions (be default, it removes
cluster containing fewer than 5% of the total).
Colors are randomly assigned to the clusters to help
differentiate them.
Visualizing these clusters in the UCSC genome browser
along with H3K4me2 ChIP-Seq and the interaction matrix,
you can see that the 2 major clusters from above
correlate with H3K4me2 very nicely (would look better at
higher resolution, say 100kb)
Example of -clusterFixed
As an example, lets try
clustering again, this time using "fixed" clustering,
which will force adjacent positions to be grouped.
Using the command:
analyzeHiC ES-HiC/ -chr chr1 -res 1000000
-clusterFixed > outputmatrix.txt
This produces the same
basic output files as " -cluster",
named out.cdt and out.gtr (and outputmatrix.txt, which
we'll ignore). Opening out.cdt with Java Tree View
will give us:
Here you'll notice that the heatmap look just as it
would if you did not cluster the data. The only
difference is that it grouped regions together based on
there similarity. This can be useful for finding
linear domains. To extract domains from the
clustering result, you must first choose a cutoff
threshold to identify cluster (i.e. 0.5 - related to
correlation) and use the " homerTools cluster"
program, and then use the cluster2bed.pl tool to
format for the UCSC Genome Browser:
homerTools cluster -gtr out.gtr -thresh
0.5 > cluster.txt
cluster.txt 1000000 > out.bed
Uploading this to the browser will give us:
Command Line Options for runHiCpca.pl
runHiCpca.pl <output prefix> <HiC directory>
-res <#> (resolution in bp, default: 50000)
-superRes <#> (super resolution in bp, i.e. window
size, default: 100000)
-active <K4me+ regions> (Regions to use to help decide
sign on principal component [active=+])
-inactive <K4me- regions> (Regions to use to help
decide sign on principal component [inactive=-])
-genome <genome> (If you don't have seed regions, this
will use the TSS file as active seeds)
-corrDepth <#> (number of expected reads needed per
data point when calculating correlation, default: 3)
-std <#> (exclude regions with sequencing depth
exceeding # std deviations, default: 4)
-min <#> (exclude regions with sequencing depth less
than this fraction of mean, default: 0.15)
-rpath <path to R executable> (If R is not accessible
via the $PATH variable)
-cpu <#> (number of CPUs to use, default: 1)
Output files:
<prefix>.PC1.txt - peak file containing coordinates
along the first 2 principal components
<prefix>.PC1.bedGraph - UCSC upload file showing PC1
values across the genome
Command Line Options for getHiCcorrDiff.pl
getHiCcorrDiff.pl <output prefix> <HiC
directory1> <HiC directory2> [options]
-res <#> (resolution in bp, default: 50000)
-superRes <#> (super resolution in bp, i.e. window
size, default: 100000)
-corrDepth <#> (number of expected reads needed per
data point when calculating correlation, default: 3)
-std <#> (exclude reads with sequencing depth
exceeding # std deviations, default: 4)
-min <#> (exclude reads with sequencing depth less
than this fraction of mean, default: 0.1)
-maxDist <#> (maximum distance around regions to
calculate similarity metrics, default: none)
-cpu <#> (number of CPUs to use, default: 1)
Output files:
<prefix>.corrDiff.txt - peak file containing
correlation values for each region
<prefix>.corrDiff.bedGraph - UCSC upload file showing
correlation values across the genome
Command Line Options for getDomains.pl
getActiveDomains.pl <PC1.txt file> [options]
-opp (return inactive, not active regions)
-thresh <#> (threshold for active regions, default: 0)
-bg <2nd PC1.txt file> (for differential domains)
-diff <#> (difference threshold, default: 50)
-corr <corrDiff.txt file> (for differential domains)
-corrDiff <#> (correlation threshold, default: 0.4)
-peaks (output as peaks/regions, not continuous domains)