Hi-C Background Models: Normalizing Genomic Interactions
for Linear Distance and Read Depth
Chromosome conformation capture (3C) and related
technologies measure the frequency that two genomic
fragments appear in close physical proximity (cross-linked
in the same complex). One of the goals when
analyzing Hi-C data is to understand which loci in the
genome tend to "interact" or "don't interact" in a
biologically meaningful way. Unfortunately, the
total number Hi-C reads between any two loci is dependent
on many factors, many of which need to be normalized
before meaningful conclusions can be reached.
Primary Sources of Technical Bias in Hi-C Interaction
Read depth per region: Since Hi-C is an unbiased
assay of genomic structure, we expect to observe equal
read coverage across the genome. However, factors
such as the ability to map reads uniquely (e.g. density
of genomics repeats), the number of restriction sites,
and genomic duplications/structural variation in the
experimental sample will all influence the number of
Linear distance between loci along the chromosome:
If two loci are along the same polymer/chromosome of
DNA, the loci are constrained with respect to one
another independent of any specific structures adopted
by the chromosome. More to the point, loci closely
spaced along a chromosome are almost guaranteed to be
'near' one another if for no other reason their maximal
separation is the length of DNA between them. As a
result, closely spaced loci with have very high Hi-C
read counts, regardless of their specific
conformation. This is generally true of all
3C-based assays.
Sequencing Bias: GC% bias, ligation preferences
during library construction, normal sequencing problems.
Chromatin compaction: This source of bias isn't
really an artifact as it reflects biologically
meaningful configuration of chromatin fibers. The
idea is that different types of chromatin environments
tend to "fold" in different ways, with
heterochromatic/inactive/inert chromatin displaying a
different average interaction frequencies as a function
of distance than euchromatin/active/permissive
regions. However, when looking for specific
interaction in a particular chromatin environment, it
can be useful to understand the properties of your local
region of DNA to help interpret what is meaningful or
just normal for that type of chromatin environment.
Analyzing Hi-C data at different resolutions
Most Hi-C experiments to date are severely
under-sequenced. For example, there are
approximately a million HindIII restriction sites in the
genome. If have 100 million [filtered] paired-end
reads then we will only find 200 reads ends at each
HindIII restriction fragment. Since (in theory)
each HindIII fragment may interact with each of the
other fragments, we would observe on average 0.0002
reads connecting any two HindIII fragments in the
genome. In reality, most of these reads are
between HindIII fragments that are within close
proximity. However, for many of the observed
interactions, it is difficult to know if a single
observed interaction is a significant event or simply
noise. Extremely high sequencing depth may help
resolve this, but for the most part we are force to come
up with more clever ways to analyze the data.
One of the simplest approaches is too analyze reads
across large regions to boost the total number of reads
considered. This approach was used in the original
Hi-C paper (Lieberman-Aiden
et al.), and it remains a powerful strategy.
The resolution of the analysis is therefore an important
HOMER uses two (related) notions of resolution.
The first, "-res <#>" represents how
frequent the genome is divided up into regions.
The second, the super resolution "-superRes <#>"
(poorly named), represents how large the region is
expanded when counting reads. Usually the "-res
<#>" should be smaller than the "-superRes
<#>". For example a res of 50000 and a
superRes of 100000 would mean that HOMER will analyze
the regions 0-50k, 50k-100k, 100k-150k etc., but at each
region it will look at reads from a region the size of
100k, so it would look at reads from -25k-75k, 25k-125k,
75k-175k, etc. This means HOMER will analyze data
with overlapping windows. The principle advantage
to this strategy is that you don't penalize features
that span boundaries.
Normalizing Hi-C Data
Since Hi-C analysis is an unbiased assay of
nuclear topology, the expectation is that roughly equal
numbers of Hi-C reads should originate from each region of
equal size in the genome. If different numbers of Hi-C
reads are observed, this is likely due to bias in mapping
(e.g. repeats or duplicated genomic sequences in the
region where no reads can be mapped), a variable number of
restriction enzyme recognition sites (e.g. HindIII), or a
technical artifact (i.e. inaccessibility of HindIII to
DNA). For this reason, Hi-C reads between any two regions
of a given size must be normalized for sequencing depth by
dividing the total number of interaction reads that each
region participates in. To calculate the expected Hi-C
reads between two given regions, we use the following
eij =(ni)(nj)/N
Where N is the total number of reads in the Hi-C
experiment and n the total number of reads at each region
i and j. This formulation assumes that each region has a
uniform probability of interacting with any other region
in the genome.
In addition to sequencing depth, it is also useful to
normalize data based on the distance between interacting
regions. The constrained proximity of regions along linear
DNA is by far the strongest signal in Hi-C data, with
regions found at close linear distances much more likely
to generate Hi-C reads than regions located at large
linear distances along the chromosome or located on
separate chromosomes. By computing the average number of
Hi-C reads as a function of distance and sequencing depth,
read frequencies between specific regions can be reported
relative to the average Hi-C read density for their linear
distances to help reliably identify proximity
relationships that are not simply a result of the general
linear compaction along the DNA.
The general idea was to modify our calculation of the
expected number of Hi-C reads between any two loci to
account for both their linear distance and sequencing
depth. However, this calculation requires that we know the
true number of interaction reads originating from a given
locus, and not the measured number of interaction reads.
For example, if region A (mapped) is adjacent to a region
B (repeat region, unmappable), the total number of Hi-C
reads mapping to A will likely be much less than a
scenario in which B can be mapped as well. This is
particularly important of regions adjacent to regions that
cannot be mapped where their linear proximity would
predict a significant numbers of Hi-C reads to connect the
regions. This phenomenon causes a problem when trying to
estimate the expected number of reads connecting region A
to another region C. Since the total number of reads
mapped to A is less because of region B adjacent to A that
cannot be mapped, we likely underestimate the number of
Hi-C reads mapping A to C.
To account for this, we find the expected number of Hi-C
reads can be found with the following equation:
eij = f(i-j) (n*i)(n*j)/N*
Where f is the expected frequency of Hi-C reads as a
function of distance, N* is estimated total number of
reads, and n* is the estimated total number of interaction
reads at each region. The goal was to identify n*i
such that the total number of expected reads at each
region i as a function of sequencing depth and distance (Si=sum(eij))
is equal to the observed number of reads at each region ni.
Because the expected number of reads in any given region
depends on the number of reads in all other regions, the
resulting nonlinear system is difficult to solve directly.
Instead, a simple hill climbing optimization was used to
estimate inferred total reads. To calculate the inferred
number of reads at each region, the model for expected
interactions above is used to compute the expected number
of read totals for each region, using the actual numbers
of interaction reads as the initial values. The difference
between the observed number of reads and the expected
number of reads is then used to scale the values for the
estimated numbers of reads. This is computed for each
region iteratively and repeated until the error between
expected and observed Hi-C read totals per region is near
Creating Hi-C Background Models
The primary/default normalization method attempts to
normalize the data for sequencing depth and distance
between loci. To speed-up analysis, HOMER creates
a "background model" that saves important parameters
from normalization so that the background model only has
to be computed once for a given resolution. If you
run HOMER routines with a certain resolution, HOMER will
first check if the background model has been created
(they are saved in the Hi-C Tag Directory). If the
appropriate background model is missing, HOMER will
create it. If for some reason you want to force
the creation of a new model, use the "-force"
To create a background model, or force the creation of
a new one, run analyzeHiC and use the "-bgonly"
flag (this will create a background model and then
analyzeHiC <HiC Tag Directory> -res
<#> -bgonly -cpu <#>
i.e. analyzeHiC ES-HiC/ -res 100000 -bgonly -cpu 8
The output will be automatically saved in the file
"<tag dir>/HiCbackground_#res_bp.txt" (i.e.
The background model creation process can be broken
down into the following steps (example uses resolution
of 100kb):
1. Divide the genome into putative regions (i.e.
chr1:0-100kb, chr1:100kb-200kb, ...
2. Calculate the total read coverage in each region
3. Calculate the fraction of interactions spanning any
given distance with respect to read depth
4. Optimize read count model to correctly assign
expected interaction counts in regions with uneven
sequencing depth
5. Calculate variation in interaction frequencies as a
function of distance.
The process of background creation takes a while as it
considers the interactions between every region at the
size of the resolution. This means breaking the
genome into 100000 bp regions and examining how many
interactions they have between one another. For
large resolutions, this isn't much of a problem, but for
small resolutions the search space gets very large and
the whole thing can take a long time. As a result,
the process is [slightly] parallel to speed things up
(i.e. use "-cpu <#>" to use multiple
Part of the reason this takes so long is that it takes
care to consider the read coverage between each set of
elements and take read depths at each location into
account. In the future, I would like to speed this
up with some approximations that are probably 95% as
good, just haven't gotten to it yet...
HiC Background Output File
There is a bunch of information in the file,
including normalized interaction frequencies (both for
the whole genome and for individual chromosomes).
The values, including interchromosomal ones, are meant
to describe frequencies between regions, so they reflect
the total number of such regions in the genome.
This file is interesting to graph in excel - for
example, below is an example of a 100kb resolution file
using a log-log plot on the interaction frequencies.

Creating Custom Background Models
By default, HOMER creates a background using the entire
genome. Sometimes you may want to understand the
general properties in certain regions. A classic
example fro Lieberman-Aiden et al. is to look at the
connectivity in "active" and "inactive"
compartments. To create a custom background model,
use the option "-model <model output file>"
to specify where to save the background model. To
use custom regions instead of the whole genome, create a
peak file with the regions (i.e. active regions), and
supply it as an argument with "-p <peak file>".
For example, lets say we have two peak files, one
composed of active 100kb regions (with enrichment for
H3K4me2) and another file with "inactive" regions.
Running the following commands:
analyzeHiC ES-HiC/ -createModel active.model.txt
-p active.peaks.txt -vsGenome -res 100000 -cpu 8
analyzeHiC ES-HiC/ -createModel
inactive.model.txt -p inactive.peaks.txt -vsGenome
-res 100000 -cpu 8 -bgonly
We can open the "active.model.txt" and
"inactive.model.txt" files, and compare their genome
interaction profiles:

Custom background models can be used in downstream
analysis by specifying the "-model
<bgmodel.txt>". For example, to use
the "active.model.txt" from above, we would use:
analyzeHiC ES-HiC -model active.model.txt ...