Retrieving and storing sequencing files
This section will help you figure out where find sequencing
data. Likely places you will find it:
- On your lab server/computer (someone already generated
it, or a bioinformatician placed it in a folder for you)
- A scp, ftp, smb, or web server
run by your sequencing core or collaborator where your
files have been posted
- Public data from GEO/SRA, a lab or company website
Obviously, if you are generating your own sequencing data,
talk with your collaborators - they will help you figure out
where to find the data.
Accessing private data from a sequencing core
Often a sequencing core will give you a URL or
ftp address where you can download your data.
Usually this will be password protected, although not
always (security
though obscurity). Access data this way is
usually pretty easy.
The most important files to download are the FASTQ
files. These constitute the raw data of the
sequencing experiment. More info on FASTQ files is covered in the
next section. Most sequencing cores will already
demultiplex your samples so that each FASTQ files
represents and individual experiment.
It is also worth downloading any instrument files or other
quality control statistics. These can be useful if
inturment technicians are troubleshooting problematic
IMPORTANT: It is important to perform an initial
analysis of your data IMMEDIATELY. You may
learn quickly that the barcodes used to demultiplex your
data were not correct and you lost one of your
samples. If you wait too long, the sequencing core
may remove your files, so it's best to catch this early so
that you can redo the demultiplexing or adjust parameters
on the post-sequencing analysis steps that generate the
FASTQ files.
After downloading your data, make sure you BACKUP the data
on a separate computer in a separate physical
location. This may include making a copy on a
removable hard drive. The FASTQ files are the raw
data, and are needed to publish the experiment. If
you loose them you may have trouble publishing your study
even if you have downstream analysis files.
Annotation is also important - make sure you label/rename
your FASTQ files or place them in directories that makes
sense and help you organize your data.
Getting Public Data from GEO/SRA
One very important byproduct of the microarray
era was that it is expected that you publish the raw data
from high-throughput experiments. This is great
because it forces authors to deposit their sequencing data
in public repositories. If you are interested in
their study, you can download their data and reanalyze
their data for your own purposes.
Most data is deposited in NCBI Gene Expression
Omnibus (GEO) and/or the NCBI Short Read
Archive (SRA). Some data is deposited in the
European equivalent ArrayExpress
and the European
Nucleotide Archive. Japan has their own
archive run through the DDBJ.
If you are reading a paper that has high-throughput data,
the GEO or SRA should be located near the
references. A good strategy is to search for the
document for "GSE", which is the first 3 letters of all
GEO accession numbers. Sometimes it's found in the
methods. Occasionally it's hidden in the
supplemental data. If you can't find one, try
searching with "SRA" in case it's a SRA accession
If you absolutely can't find it, EMAIL the corresponding
author, especially if it's a major journal. If they
are trying to get away without sharing the data and it's
something you're interested in, they need to share
it. Ask the author politely for the data in an
email. If they are uncooperative, add the journal
editor to the email - you'll be surprised how fast that
data will appear in GEO if you do that.
Getting the FASTQ files for a sequencing study
GEO is the most common entry point for
sequencing data. Consider the record for GSE23619.
The top sections describe the overall experiment,
followed by links to individual experiments. Below
that are links to the SRA and supplemental files:

To get the RAW sequencing data, you can click on the SRA
link, or go to the "Supplementary File" section and
click on the (ftp) link to download the data. The
easiest way to get the data is to follow the ftp
link. This link will lead you to SRA files, such
as SRR065223.sra.
These are FASTQ files that are specially compressed by
the Short Read Archive and need to be opened using a
special tool available in the SRA toolkit.
To download and install the SRA toolkit, follow this link and
download the appropriate program files. The main
program of interest is in the toolkit is called
fastq-dump, which is a program that will extract FASTQ
files from the SRA files. For example:
fastq-dump SRR065223.sra
will produce a file named: SRR065223.fastq
If it is a large sequencing study, and you have the tool
wget installed, you can download ALL of the SRA files
for a study by right clicking on the (ftp) link, and
then pasting the URL into the wget command like so:
wget -r
Be sure to add the "-r" which will recursively
download the files, and you may also need to add a "/"
to the end of the URL to make sure wget knows that you
gave it a directory.
After converting files to FASTQ, you should be ready to
perform your own analysis on them.
Supplementary Files provided by the author
Sometimes the author provides other useful
files, such as sam/bam files (premapped files), peak
positions, bedGraph files for visualization, rpkm gene
expression counts, etc. Be sure to pay attention
to which genome version was used to generate those