Mastering Excel for Genomics Analysis
Excel is a useful spreadsheet program that is used in nearly
every research laboratory (and pretty much every workplace
that uses computers). Excel can be very useful for the
following functions:
- Data manipulation and analysis
- Data visualization, creation of graphs/figures
- Formatting of data for use in other programs
Excel is not the best program available for any of the tasks
above, but it is the most practical tool sometimes based on
it's cheap and ubiquitous. Also, since there are
approximately 20,000-30,000 genes, this fits nicely into the
upper limits of what Excel can handle.
Basic Tips for Excel:
- When highlighting a selection, NEVER drag! Hold
Shift+Ctrl+Arrow Key to auto select to the end of the
worksheet, or until there is a blank space.
- To auto-complete a formula, double-click on the little
black box on the low-right of an active cell.
- Always use 'normal view' (i.e. menu
bar->View->Normal). Don't use 'Page Layout'
unless you have a good reason.
- Consider making Excel the default program for files
with extensions *.txt, *.csv, *.tsv, etc. (can
save a lot of time instead of using "open with
Highlighting Differential Genes in a Graph
X-Y scatter plots are a great way to display
information for figures in papers or presentations -
much much better than venn diagrams, which should
probably be outlawed. Often you may want to
highlight some of the point in the plot to draw
attention to them - for example, highlight the points
that represent differentially expressed genes.
The general strategy I recommend is to plot a second
set of points 'over' the first set. You can use an
'if' statement formula to determine if the gene is
differentially expressed based on a p-value or fold
change: if the data point is differentially expressed,
plot the data over the original data point. If
not, plot the data point 'off' the graph where you
cannot see it.
- Load you data in to excel. Lets assume you
have log-transformed expression values for two
experiments and a p-value for each gene. For

- Insert a new column to the right of the columns you
want to plot (in this case between C & D).
Put "Diff Genes" or some type of description in the
first row of the new column
- Enter the formula =IF(1*,2*,3*) in the 2nd row of
the new column, where 1*, 2*, and 3* are:
- Conditional test for differential expression (in
example below, E2 < 0.05 for checking if the
p-value is less than 0.05)
- The value if the test is true - we want to value
to be the y-value in the x-y plot (C2 in this
- The value if the test is false - we want a value
that is 'away from the data' - in this case -1,
which will not overlap with any of the data from
the first two columns

- Autocomplete the formula down the whole column by
selecting the cell with the formula, and then
double-clicking on the little black box in the lower
right-hand corner of the box.
- Highlight all 3 data columns (original data from Exp
A, Exp B, and the new column with the formula) and
create an X-Y scatter plot.

- Now that you've created the plot - now it's time to
clean up the setting to make it pretty. The
first thing you want to do is change the y-axis to
only show values above zero - to get ride of the red
points representing genes that were not differentially
expressed (-1 from the IF statement above).
After changing the colors, size of the points, and
changing the y-axis, you can get something that looks
like this:

- You can also try updating the formula to
change the p-value threshold (i.e. 0.001 instead of
0.05) - change the formula at the top, and then
autocomplete it and watch the graph update
Adding Gene Annotation (i.e. Database Join in Excel
using vlookup):
First thing you need is an annotation table,
with the ID you want to convert with the gene name or
other information on the same line.
- Load the ID annotation table into Excel.
- Load your data in Excel.
- Make sure the accession/ID that you want to convert
is in the far left column of the annotation table.
- Sort the annotation table by the far left column
(the ID you want to convert)
- Copy the annotation table next to you data in the
same spreadsheet (you can leave a column of space to
keep them separate)
- Insert a new column into YOUR data next the ID you
want to convert.
- Enter the formula for =VLOOKUP(1*, 2*, 3*, 4*),
where 1*, 2*, 3*, and 4* are:
- lookup value (the cell of the ID you want to
convert in your data table)
- the entire ID annotation table. Highlight
the whole thing (no header). VERY IMPORTANT -
after you highlight the whole thing, add "$" in
front of the row and column values. For example:
K2:O21344 >> $K$2:$O$21344. This
way, when you auto-complete or drag the formula,
these values will not change
- Enter the column number, in the annotation table,
that you want to return (i.e. "2").
- Enter "FALSE" - you never want to enter true for
this value.
- Auto-complete the formula down the length of your
- Copy the new values and then paste-special the
"values" to remove the formula
- Delete the annotation table - and you're done!
